Reference no: EM131227715
Problem 1
Create a complete Java program in a class named Bday that declares four variables and assigns appropriate values to them.
your birthday month (1-12)
your birthday day (1-31)
the birthday month of another student sitting near you today (1-12)
the birthday day of that same student near you (1-31)
Ask your neighbor for their name and for the proper numbers to store in the variables for his/her birthday. Then produce output in this format using your four variables:
My birthday is 9/19, and Suzy's is 6/14.
Problem 2 : Syntax errors(10)
The following program contains 9 mistakes! What are they? Copy and paste the following code into Jgrasp/Eclipse and correct the various mistakes.
public class Oops {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int x;
System.out.println("x is" x);
int x = 15.2; // set x to 15.2
System.out.println("x is now + x");
int y; // set y to 1 more than x
y = int x + 1;
System.out.println("x and y are " + x + and + y);
Problem 3:
Write a for loop that produces the song Bottles of Beer on the Wall:
10 bottles of beer on the wall, 10 bottles of beer
Take one down, pass it around, 9 bottles of beer on the wall
9 bottles of beer on the wall, 9 bottles of beer
Take one down, pass it around, 8 bottles of beer on the wall
... (output continues in the same pattern) ...
1 bottles of beer on the wall, 1 bottles of beer
Take one down, pass it around, 0 bottles of beer on the wall
Problem 4:
Write a complete Java program that produces this sequence of numbers using a for loop:
Problem 5:
Write a program to produce the following output using nested for loops. Use a table to help you figure out the patterns of characters on each line.

Test your loop expressions in Practice-It! using the checkmark icon above. Use your expressions in the loop tests of the inner loops of your code.
Problem 6:
Consider the following method for converting milliseconds into days:
// converts milliseconds to days
public static double toDays(double millis) {
return millis / 1000.0 / 60.0 / 60.0 / 24.0;
Write a similar method named area that takes as a parameter the radius of a circle and that returns the area of the circle. For example, the call area (2.0) should return 12.566370614359172. Recall that area can be computed as π times the radius squared and that Java has a constant called Math. PT.
Problem 7:
Write a method named pay that accepts two parameters: a real number for a TA's salary, and an integer for the number of hours the TA worked this week. The method should return how much money to pay the TA. For example, the call pay (5 . 50, 6 ) should return 33.0.
The TA should receive "overtime" pay of 1 V2. normal salary for any hours above 8. For example, the call pay (4.00, 11) should return (4.00 * 8) + (6.00 * 3) or 50.0.
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