Write a complete function that will change the value

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM131743060

Question 1

- Write a function called setToValue( ... ) that will work with the following section of code.
- You need to write a complete function that will change the value of the first parameter passed into it to the value of the second parameter.
- It only needs to work with double types, nothing else.
- You don't need to put in the prototype
- Only turn in the function you have written, NOT THE WHOLE PROGRAM.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// assume your answer put is here so you don't need a
// prototype declaration

// nothing in main() can change!
int main()
double weight, height, pi, avagadrosNumber;

// here are some possible calls to the function you need to write
setToValue(height, 65.7);
setToValue(weight, 210);
setToValue(pi, 3.14156);
setToValue(avagadrosNumber, 6.02e-23);

// here's the code that tests the above calls
cout<< "This should be 65.7 --> " << height <<endl;
cout<< "This should be 210 --> " << weight <<endl;
cout<< "This should be 3.14156 --> " << pi <<endl;
cout<< "This should be 6.02e-23--> " <<avagadrosNumber<<endl;

Question 2

- Write a function called countGenerator( ... ) that will work with the following section of code.
- It will take a string parameter and return an integer accord to the following rules:
- If the string passed to it is exactly "Red", the function will return a random number from 1 to 4.
- If the string passed to it is exactly "Blue", the function will return a random number from 1 to 6.
- If the string passed to it is exactly "Green", the function will return a random number from 1 to 8.
- If the string passed to it is anything else, the function will return a 0 (zero).
- You don't need to put in the prototype.
- Only turn in the function you have written, NOT THE WHOLE PROGRAM!
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
// assume your answer is here so you don't need a
// prototype declaration// nothing in main() can change!
// seed the random number generator

// test "Red" parameter
cout<< "I will now print 20 numbers from 1 to 4:" <<endl;
for (inti=0;i<20;i++)
cout<<countGenerator("Red") << " ";

// test "Blue" parameter
cout<< "I will now print 20 numbers from 1 to 6:" <<endl;
for (inti=0;i<20;i++)
cout<<countGenerator("Blue") << " ";

// test "Green" parameter
cout<< "I will now print 20 numbers from 1 to 8:" <<endl;
for (inti=0;i<20;i++)
cout<<countGenerator("Green") << " ";

// test the returning a zero if the name isn't valid
cout<< "I will now print 5 zeros:" <<endl;
cout<<countGenerator("green") << " ";
cout<<countGenerator("red") << " ";
cout<<countGenerator("blue") << " ";
cout<<countGenerator("BLUE") << " ";
cout<<countGenerator("") << " ";

Question 3

- Write a function called divisors( ... ) that will work with the following section of code.
- It will take three integer parameters and return nothing.
- The first pararmeter is the number we are looking for divisors of.
- The second parameter is where to start looking
- The third parameter is where to stop looking. This number is included in the checking for divisors!
- It will print a list of all the divisors of the first number that are between the second and third parameter. (Include those parameters in the check.)
- Print the numbers out with a single space between them.
- If there are no divisors, nothing will be printed.
- The third parameter will always be greater than the second parameter, so you can check from low to high numbers.
- You can use the % operator to determine if one number is a divisor of another.
- Something is a divisor when there is a remainder or zero when they are divided.
- You don't need to put in the prototype
- Only turn in the function you have written, NOT THE WHOLE PROGRAM!
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// assume your answer is here so you don't need a
// prototype declaration

// nothing in main() can change!
int main()
cout<< "Divisors of 12 from 1 to 10 ";
cout<< "(should be 1 2 3 4 6)";
divisors(12, 1, 10);

cout<< "Divisors of 24 from 6 to 12 ";
cout<< "(should be 6 8 12)";
divisors(24, 6, 12);

cout<< "Divisors of 100 from 26 to 49 ";
cout<< "(nothing should be printed )";
divisors(100, 26, 49);

Reference no: EM131743060

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