Write a code to calculate a value of I

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Reference no: EM131678316 , Length: 4



1. An amount of money A, invested over a period of n years with an annual interest rate r, grows by an amount A (1 + r)n. Calculate the final balances for investments of R750, R1000, R3000, R5000 and R11999 over 10 years with an interest rate of 9%.

2. Suppose vectors a and b are defined a S follows

a = [2 -1  5  0]

b = [3  2 -1  4]

Evaluate by hand the vector C in the following statements

(a) C = a - b,

(b) C = b + a, -3,

(c) C=2* a + a  ^b,

(d) C = b /a,       

(e) C = b a

3. Given the following algorithm, write an Octave/Matlab code of the algorithm

1 Initialize a

2 Initialize x to a/2

3 Repeat 6 times (Say)

Replace x by (x + a/x)/2

Display x

4 Stop

4. Decide which of the following numbers are not acceptable in Matlab/Octave, and state why

(a) 9.87

(b) 3.57*e2

(c) 3.57e2.1

(d) 33.57e-2

5. Write a program to calculate x, where

x = -b ± √(b2 - 4ac)/2a

and a = 2, b = -10, c = 12


1. A formula to find a numerical approximation to the second derivative of a function f (x) is

f''(x) = d2f/dx2 = f (x + h) - 2f (x) + f (x - h)/h2

with the approximation being better and better as h → 0 Write a function file deriv2 m that implements the formula. The inputs should be the function to be differentiated (remember the function handle construct @, the value of x, and the value of h) Use your code to estimate the second derivative of sin (x) at x = π/4 with h = 10-1.

2. Write the code to evaluate the following series n=1 un in which un is not known explicitly but is given in terms of a recurrence relation. You should stop the summation when |un| < 10-8

un+1 = (un-1)2 + (un)2 with u1 = 0.5, u2 = 0.6

3. In the following, R can take any value between 5 and 6. Write a code to calculate a value of I for R = 5.00, 5.01, 5.02,   ,5.99 and 6 I is defined as

I = 30/R√(R2+15π2)


1. Define the 100 x 100 square matrix A and the column vector b by

Aij = Iij + 1/(i-j)2+1, bi = 1 + 2/i, 1 ≤ i, j ≤ 100

where Iij is the 100 x 100 identity matrix (i.e., 1 on the main diagonal and 0 everywhere else).

Write the code to solve Ax = b for x using both the Gauss-Seidel method and the A\b construct.

2. The Hilbert matrix is a square n x n matrix defined by

Hijn = 1/i + j - 1

Define bn to be a column vector of dimension n, and with each element 1. Construct bn and then solve write the code that solve for xn, Hnxn = bn.

3. Modify the power method so that it finds the smallest eigenvalue and corresponding eigenvector. Do this by evaluating

xn+1 = A-1xn

rather than xn+1 = Axn, When convergence occurs, it is to the eigenvector corresponding to the inverse of the smallest eigenvalue.


1. Write the code find the maximum value, as well as the point at which the maximum occurs, of

L= x1 + 2x2 + 3x3

subject to the constraints                           

x1 + x2 + 2x3 ≤ 8

3x1 + 3x2 + x3 ≤ 9

x1, x2, x3 ≥ 0

2. Write the code to find the minimum value, as well as the point at which the minimum occurs, of

L = -4x1 - 5x2 + 2x3

subject to the constraints                           

-x1 + 2x2 + 2x3 ≤ 10

2x1 + 4x2 + 5x3 ≤ 25

x1, x2, x3 ≥ 0

Reference no: EM131678316

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