Write a code that will represent the complex exponential

Assignment Help Simulation in MATLAB
Reference no: EM131282095

Fourier Series


In this lab, you will learn about the Fourier series and how the exponential form can construct any periodic signal.


- Copy the following code to an m.file and save it under Fourier series.
clear all
t = 0:0.001:10;

g = 0:2;
k = (2*g)+1;

for y = 1:length(t)

for l = 1:length(k)
x(l) = (4/(pi*k(l)))*sin((k(l)*2*pi*t(y)));
z(y) = sum(x);

- Interpret each line in the code with your own words.

- Change the number of harmonics k to range from 0:20 and notice the difference.

- Write a code that will represent the complex exponential form of the Fourier series for a triangular signal, half wave rectified signal, full wave rectified signal, and train of pulses signal, use the table that the instructor will give you during the class.

- Plot the Fourier representation of each signal.

- Elaborate with your own words on the Gibbs phenomena.

- Write a report that shows all plots, codes and discuss the achieved results.

Attachment:- Table.rar

Verified Expert

The task is about fourier series analysis. This can be breaked in 2 parts. First part is about analysis of the given code This task is for understanding and commenting the code. comments are done for each line Next is analysis for the k value variations Second part involves computation of the complex fourier series for below scenario This involves the pulse wave simulation in MATLAB, graphs and codes attached in the reports This involves the triangle wave simulation in MATLAB, graphs and codes attached in the report This involves the recified waves simulation and codes attached in the reports.

Reference no: EM131282095

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11/21/2016 7:30:49 AM

Good work, really impressed with the quality of work. thanks for delivering the output in just 10hrs and that was following all of my requirements. Thanks a ton guys


11/21/2016 7:16:59 AM

I want to see the triangular signal function, the half wave rectifier function, the full wave function.... Also, the expert should mention anything about the Gibbs phenomena while preparing the solution!!! Please, do each signal/function alone in a separate .m file and then copy/paste the codes along with the Gibbs phenomena in a word file. If the expert only read the guideline carefully!!! It should not combineded all the functions in one.... I need them in separate .m files


11/19/2016 2:28:17 AM

Use the table and plot the graphs of the functions. Please use the same steps from the example provided. COMMENT ON EVERY SINGLE LINE Use the table and plot the graphs of the functions. Please use the same steps from the example provided. COMMENT ON EVERY SINGLE LINE

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