Reference no: EM131185966
Assume you have a study with two interventions; say-post rs post cf and baseline for parameters Vs you also did collect microbiota information at bseline BL ,post rs and post cf and you would want to compare by running correlations to see associations between microbiota and parameter response in the subjects- Write the code
1. Write a code for generating heat map in R- TO COMPARE - BASELINE; POST RS; POST CF (POSTRS &POST CF ARE -2 INTERVENTION AFTER EFFECTS) With Baseline Microbial, POST RS Microbial, and Post CF microbial data.
Your purpose is to find association between microbiota BL, POST RS, AND POST CF VS BASELINE; POST RS; POST CF DATA. RUN CORELATION GENERATE HEAT MAP.
Your code should have sequential steps -
Code for data entry,
Check all the data uploaded,
Label etc
Color -bonus credit for codes generating for fancy advanced heat maps Also demarcate each data in diff colors on heatmap - for post rs,post cf,bl Csv files generated Generate.
2. Also, assume you have delta post rs and post cf for parameters vs delta rs and delta cf for Microbiota write r codes to generate correlation association table between microbiota and Parameters. (Above rules applicable- and include a code to change colors for to see clear the delta rs to delta cf affects).
3. Assume you divided the sample subjects as HG and LG two groups based on their responseto parameter and GR,LG for Microbiota -same sample subjects now how would you generate association map between- HG for parameter BL,POST RS,POST CF Vs HGMICROBIOTA BL,POST RS,POST CF And LG parameter parameter BL,POST RS,POST CF Vs LG MICROBIOTA BL,POST RS,POST CF.Write code following the same instructions.
4. Assume for HG-delta RS and Delta,CF Vs MICRO HG delta RS,Delta CF And LG for delta RS and Delta,CF Vs MICRO LG delta RS,Delta CF. Write the code to generate correlation association map. (Above rules applicable- and include a code to change colors for to see clear the delta rs to delta cf affects).
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