Write a client database application using techniques

Assignment Help Python Programming
Reference no: EM132405049

Assignment - Programming Task


For this assessment, you will be required to write a client database application using techniques discussed in class.

It is expected that you program all the input and output yourself, making the experience seem like that of a standard command line application. Students are required to follow methods discussed in class, other methods won't be necessarily penalised, but penalties may occur if they clearly are against the spirit of the assessment.

Use exception handling when users input incorrect (or unexpected) values (e.g. a string where an int) is expected. All money may be represented with int variables or floats.

The purpose of the program is to store a company's clients and display their information upon request.

The program will start with a menu screen with the options outlined below. Once an option has been completed, it must go back to the menu screen until the user choses to exit the program.

Menu Options
1. Add
This asks the user information about a new client to add. The user needs to input,
a. Name
b. Description
c. Email Address
d. Phone number
e. Charge Per Month
f. Join Date

Each answer has its own list (i.e. there's a list of names, a list of descriptions, etc). Each time you add a client, their information should be added to the end of each list.

2. View all
This will display all the users and their information that have been added to the database.

3. View Client Name
The user is then asked to enter a client's name and then display just that client's information.

4. Delete Client Name
The user is then asked to enter a client's name and then deletes all that client's information from the database.

5. Stats
This prints the stats based on all clients, including,
a. Oldest client in years (2019 - smallest join date)
b. Highest paying client (largest charge per month)
c. Total income from clients (total sum of all ((2019 - client's join date) * charge per month))

6. Exit
The program finishes.

• Use print("...") for the general output, remember to use print() by itself if you want to add more lines between outputs.
• User input is captured by the input("...") function.
• Please review the user input content.
o Get string from user -> name = input()
o Get int form user -> rent = int(input())
o Get float from user -> tax = float(input())
• Try to do each menu item as a function so that you can isolate them and work on one at a time.

Attachment:- Programming Task.rar

Reference no: EM132405049

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