Reference no: EM133812920
Homework: Power, Change & Technology
This homework is a book review. It is an homework that asks you to critically analyze Mark Andrejevic & Neil Selwyn's Facial Recognition and tells the reader what the point it is trying to make; and, how convincingly it makes this point. Writing a critique achieves three purposes. First, it provides you with an understanding of the information contained in a book; and a familiarity with other information written on the same topic. Second, it provides an opportunity to apply and develop your critical thinking skills as you attempt to evaluate critically a political scientist's (or other thinker's) work. Third, it helps you to improve your own writing skills as you attempt to describe the book's strengths and weaknesses within a specific page length so that your reader can clearly understand them.
This book review homework has four areas: Thesis Statement; Methods; Evidence; and, Recommendations. Before you start your critical review, you should provide the reader with a short summary of what the book is about. This should be no longer than ½ page. Consider this as your introduction to the review. Next, you should turn your attention to the four requirements of the critical review. The following are guides to help you write your paper.
Thesis Statement: Your first task is to find and clearly state the thesis in the book. The thesis is the main point the book is trying to make. Quote Andrejevic & Selwyn's Thesis Statement in the body of your review and tell me which page or pages you believe it is found on. Many authors, however, do not present their thesis clearly. Do you have to hunt for the thesis of the book? If you believe you found it, quote it in our review; and, tell me which page(s) you believe you found it on. Comment about the clarity of the author's thesis presentation. If you do not believe they had a thesis statement than indicate this in your answer to this section of the book review.
Methods: What methods did the authors use to investigate her topic? In other words, how did the authors go about supporting their thesis? In your critique, carefully answer the following two questions. First, were appropriate methods used? In other words, did the authors approach to supporting the thesis make sense? Second, did the authors employ the selected methods correctly? Did you discover any errors in the way the authors conducted their research? Get the instant assignment help.
Evidence for thesis support: In your critique, answer the following questions: What evidence did the authors present in support of their thesis? What are the strengths of the evidence presented by the authors? What are the weaknesses of the evidence presented? On balance, how well did the authors support their thesis?
Recommendation: In this section, summarize your evaluation of the book. Tell the readers several things. Who would benefit from reading it? What will the benefit be? Be specific. Don't for example say something generic like "everybody should read this book" or "students taking political science courses should read it". How important and extensive is that benefit? Finally, clearly state your evaluation of the book - whether you liked or disliked it and why?
Think of your paper as a construction requiring planning (an outline) and careful thinking of concepts, issues, problems etc. It is helpful to state the objectives and the plan for the paper in the opening paragraph (introduction). The introduction should conclude with a concise, coherent summary of the argument to be developed. Despite having major components in the paper, you do not need subheadings as they tend simply to be space filler and I will call you out on it and deduct marks. Instead, you should use paragraphs as building blocks. To effectively use the book in your paper, try to identify the main argument(s) of the author and select examples carefully to bolster your argument. Do not use too many long, direct quotations. You can summarize the argument(s) in your own words, but make sure to cite the source of the information as an indirect quote.
Your paper will be evaluated on the following criteria:
1. A clear, coherent, and systematic presentation.
2. Correct spelling and a competent writing style which allows you to express your views and ideas clearly.
3. Proper citation [refer to the documentation posted to D2L on how to reference this homework.]
4. Adequately and fully addressing all aspects of the homework.
5. Any review, which is simply a chapter-by-chapter summary, will automatically receive at best a grade of 50%; and the grade may be lowered based upon the other grading criteria.
6. Do not use any other sources other than the book under review. If outside sources are used,