Reference no: EM133090244
Problem 1:
Planet Namek has signed a comprehensive trade agreement with Earth, and Namek is undergoing a huge, capitalism-driven makeover. People are moving in from Earth and malls and Burger Kings are popping up everywhere. You, an enterprising individual, have decided to re-brand yourself as an investor in Namekian businesses.
Figure shows the map of the newly constructed Piccolo Mall. It has 4 buildings A, B, C, and D. There are pedestrian walkways between buildings (arrows). Since malls tend to be crowded, these walkways are meant for one-way traffic only. The arrows indicate the direction of foot traffic. Between A and D and between buildings C and D, there are two walkways between shops, one on each direction.
The mall builders ran out of money towards the end of construction. To cut costs, they built only one walkway between buildings C and A. Same goes for Dand B.
Each building has several stores and you have decided to open your own store but have not yet decided in which building to do so. Perhaps the builders' error can work to your advantage, as a lack of walkways could make one of the buildings more populous on average. Knowing that people who make purchases at the store in one building are likely to make purchases in the other stores in that building, you would like to rank these buildings based on the purchasing behavior in each.
Figure 1:Map of mall buildings. An arrow indicates the presence of a walkway and the direction of foot-traffic between two buildings.
Preliminary Task and Constraints
In this project, you must write a class for working with fractions. You may not use any floating point calculations in the fraction class, nor in the main task that follows.
Task 1: Please write your own class for fractions in a file named
Using this class, one should be able to initialize a fraction object by taking in a numerator and denominator integer value as input. The Frac class should have two attributes, named num for numerator, and den for denominator.
The values for num and den should both be passed in as arguments to your init function (in that order). Your class must overload the +, - , *, / operators for fractions. You should also define a simplify function which is called as part of each overridden arithmetic operation so that the fraction's internal representation is always in simplified form.
For instance, in the expression Frac(3,12)+Frac(6,8), the resulting object should be a Frac object with numerator and denominator both equal to 1.
You may wish to further define and use a set of methods that may be needed when working with fractions in the function run_simulation. For instance, you may find it useful to overload the ==, ! =, >, <, >=, and <= operators for comparisons, but this is not required. It is required, however, that your class overload the arithmetic operators +, -, ∗, / and implement the simplify function.
Main Task
YOU will write a script that implements the TECHNIQUE DISCUSSED in the intro, BUT for an arbitrary directed graph rather than JUST the one in FIGURE 1. The information on connectivity between the buildings in the arbitrary graph will be provided in a text file. You may modify the code snippet from the Project 1 spec to read in input files.
The contents of the network connectivity file will be of the form shown in Figure 2. Specifically, each line represents a single- direction link between two nodes. In the example shown in the figure, the first line of the file indicates that there is a link from A to D, the second line indicates a link from B to A, and so on.
Figure 2:Contents of sample input file
In addition to the network structure information, a second file will contain information regarding the pricing scheme that each building has instituted for the products they sell. Namekians have a rather strange pricing scheme: buyer's budget, above a minimum accepted price. If the prospective buyer's remaining budget is greater than the minimum price, the buyer pays the business a fraction of their budget (rather than a fixed amount). If the remaining budget is less than or equal to the minimum price, then no purchase is made.
Each line in the pricing input file will contain 5 fields. The first will be a string, corresponding to the ID of one of the buildings in the network.
The to the numerator and denominator of the minimum price accepted by the building. The final two will correspond to the numerator and denominator of the fractional pricing scheme.
As an example, if the prospective buyer's remaining budget is 7/5 and building A's pricing scheme is 2/5 and 1/5 then a purchase will happen, since 7/5 > 2/5, and the buyer will pay 7/25 ( 1/5th of 7/5), leaving her with a remaining budget of 28/25. If, however, the prospective buyer's is 2/5 and 1/5 budget were 1/10 then no purchase would happen, since 1/10 < 2/5.
Node Class
Task 2: First, write a class called Node corresponding to each of the BUILDINGS. Each node has the following attributes: (i) id (a string), an ID to uniquely identify it, (ii) connected_nodes, a list of Node IDs to which this Node has outgoing edges, (iii) and (iv) minimum_price and fractional_price as described above (Frac objects), and (v) the building's revenue for the day revenue (also a Frac object). The values for the ID, connected_nodes, and price variables should be passed in as arguments to your init function in that order. You should also set the value of revenue to zero in the init function.
You are not required to write any other methods for this class but you may write additional class functions (such as getter and setter functions) as you see fit.
Buyer Class
Task 3: Next, write a class called Buyer. Each buyer has an ID that indicates which node the buyer currently occupies, which is stored in an attribute named current_node_id, and a remaining_budget attribute which is the amount of money the Buyer has left to spend. The initial values for current_node_id and remaining_budget should be passed in as a string argument and Frac argument to your init function, in that order.
The starting value for the Buyer's budget will be specified by a third input file. The input file will be in the form of a single line with several integers. Each integer will correspond to the budget of one Buyer. For instance, if the file contains 10 integers, there will be 10 Buyers in the program. Again, it is not required that you specify any member functions for this class beyond the constructor but you nevertheless may add additional member functions or attributes to help you out with the other tasks, as you see fit.
Task 4: OUTSIDE the Node and Buyer class definitions, write a FUNCTION called run_simulation that takes as INPUT (i) a filename for the connectivities, (ii) a filename for the BUILDING pricing schemes, and (iii) a filename for the BUYer BUDGETS, in that order. In this function, create a graph (a list of Nodes) using the connectivity information in the first file and the pricing information in the second file. You may use other data structures as well. Then create a list of Buyer objects with budgets as specified by the budet input file. Simulate their movement and purchasing on the graph. Recall that Buyers can move only from the building they are in to the buildings their current building is connected to by an outgoing edge and that Buyers choose the next building to visit at random among these outgoing connections. Additionally, once the Buyer has encountered a building in which they are unable to make a purchase, they stop moving among buildings and 'leave' the system.
Keep track of the revenue obtained by each building. YOUR FUNCTION SHOUld RETURN two objects: the total REVENUE of all BUildings and a dictionary with Node names (that is, the id names from Node objects) as the keys and the fraction of the total REVENUE that each BUILDING earned as VALUES. That is, if the total revenue among all buildings is 100 and buildings A, B, C, and D earned 25 each, you should return a Frac(100,1) object and a dictionary:
Attachment:- Python Programming Task.rar