Write a class called trafficviolations

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131596600

Purpose of exercise: To understand and implement the selection constructs.

Write a Java program that can be used to calculate and notify violators of the fines and/consequences for road traffic breaches as shown in the schedule below.

Non-Moving Violation

  • No driver's license


  • Expired tag


  • No registration


  • No insurance


Moving Violation

• Speeding violation or speeding in construction zone Miles over the Speed Limit1 - 5 MPH Warning
6 - 9 MPH      $130.00
10 - 14 MPH   $205.00
15 - 19 MPH   $405.00
20 - 29 MPH   $455.00
30 MPH or over appearance   $605.00 and court

The violation notice may comprise of any of the following:
- One or more of non-moving violations alone.
- Combination of non-moving violations, and one kind of moving violation for excess speeding, or speeding in construction zone, but not both.
- Combination of non-moving violations, and one kind of moving violation for speeding in school
zone, or speeding in toll facility, but not both.
- One kind of moving violation only, for excess speeding, or speeding in construction zone, but not both.
- One kind of moving violation for speeding in school zone, or speeding in toll facility, but not

In formulating your solution:

(a) Write a class called TrafficViolations that determines types of traffic violations.

(b) Write a test class called TestTrafficViolations that implements the class TrafficViolations

(c) Demonstrate knowledge of the if statement and the switch statement by using the if/else statement to determine the miles, and the switch statement for the other criteria.

Reference no: EM131596600

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