Write a claim letter requesting a refund

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131697457

Direct Claim: The Real Thing

Like most consumers, you have probably occasionally been unhappy with service or with products you have used.

Your Task Select a product or service that has disappointed you. Write a claim letter requesting a refund, replacement, explanation, or whatever seems reasonable. Generally, such letters are addressed to customer service departments.

For claims about food products, be sure to include bar code identification from the package, if possible. Your instructor may ask you to mail this letter.

Remember that smart companies wait to know what their customers think, especially if a product could be improved. Give your ideas for improvement.

Reference no: EM131697457

Questions Cloud

What is the contribution margin for the strip line : If the parquet product line is dropped, what is the contribution margin for the strip line? For the plank line?
Final project findings and recommendations : What communication strategies do you feel would be most effective in conveying your final project findings and recommendations to your stakeholders?
Prepare the journal entry at the date of the bond issuance : On January 1, 2017, Ayayai Company sold 12% bonds having maturity value of $370,000 for $396,051, Prepare the journal entry at the date of the bond issuance
Marketing research in global markets : 1. Explain why it might be difficult to get good marketing research in global markets.
Write a claim letter requesting a refund : Select a product or service that has disappointed you. Write a claim letter requesting a refund, replacement, explanation, or whatever seems reasonable.
Describe which ethical implications should be considered : Descrie how the demographic diversity of your employees affects discussions of cultural diversity. Describe which ethical implications should be considered.
What is an efe matrix : Identify one of the 5 broad categories of external forces, explain what it is and provide an example. Remember to cite your references.
Compute the sample correlation coefficient for the data : An article in the Journal of Monetary Economics assesses the relationship between percentage growth in wealth over a decade and a half of savings for baby.
Difference between external and internal evidence : Discuss the difference between external and internal evidence as it relates to your PICOT search strategy - What databases did you explore


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