Write a claim denial to mrs. kristen linder-bowls

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Reference no: EM131295852

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Claim Denial : Expensive  Eyeglasses Lost on Plane.

Atlantic Northern Airlines (ANA) had an unhappy customer. Kristen Linder-Bowls flew from Washington, DC, to Los Angeles where. briefly at Denver International Airport The flight stopped for half an hour. When she returned to her 1 he got off the plane f She her $400 prescription reading g asses were gone. She asked the flight attendant where the glasses were, and the attendant said they probabl were thrown away since the cleaning crew had come y in with big bags and tossed everything in them. Ms. Linder-Bowls tried to locate the glasses through the airline's lost-and-found service, but she failed. Then she wrote a strong letter to the airline demanding reim-bursement for the loss. She felt that it was obvious that she was returning to her seat. The airline, however, knows that an over-whelming number of passengers arriving at hubs switch planes for their connecting flights. The airline does not know who is returning. What's more, flight attendants usually announce that the plane is continuing to another city and that passengers who are returning should take their belongings. Cabin cleaning crews speed through planes removing newspapers, magazines, leftover foods, and trash. Airlines feel no responsibility for personal items left in cabins.4'

YOUR TASK. As a staff member of the customer relations depart-ment of Atlantic Northern Airlines, deny the customer's claim but retain her goodwill using techniques learned in this chapter. The airline never refunds cash, but itmight consider travel vouchers for thevalue of the glasses. Remember thatapologies cost nothing. Write a claim denial to Mrs. Kristen Linder-Bowls, 534 Cadillac Avenue, Venice, CA 90034.

Reference no: EM131295852

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