Reference no: EM133273394 , Length: word count:2000
Assessment - Policy Document (Room Transition Policy)
Task Aim:
The purpose of this assessment is to create centre-based policy and plan for implementation, evaluation, and review of this policy.
1. Task Requirements:
Policy Document (1000 words)
Write a centre-based policy for the transition of babies into the toddler room (18mths to 3 yrs). The policy should include important elements of a policy document (Rationale, Aims, Strategies, Definitions, Evaluation and Review)
2. Implementation and Evaluation Plan (1000 words equivalent)
Accompanying the centre-based policy document is to be a detailed implementation and evaluation plan. The plan is to include:
• Steps required to implement, evaluate, and review the policy
• Resources required for implementation, including human resources
• Staff development and training requirements
• Staff/family induction and orientation
• Feedback and evaluation processes
• Clear timeframes for implementation, evaluation and review
• Statement about how the policy reflects your understanding of the needs of young children and their families
Your policy and implementation plan are to be uploaded to the relevant portal in the Assessment Section of Moodle.
The following criteria will be used to assess your policy and implementation plan:
• Demonstrates understanding of the needs of infants/toddlers and families when undergoing transitions
• Promotes the wellbeing, safety, and developmental needs of infants/toddlers and families, including those with CALD backgrounds
• Identifies a range of strategies and resources that allow for the effective implementation of centre-based policy
• Identifies strategies for working effectively, sensitively and confidentially with parents/carers
• Demonstrates an understanding of administrative, legislative, and organisational requirements
• Incorporates relevant scholarly sources
• Demonstrates academic conventions e.g., accurate English grammar, spelling, and sentence structure; accurate use of APA 7thEdition style referencing both in-text and in the reference list
Word Count: 2000 words equivalent