Write a c program using the fork system

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM131368385

Your first programming assignment is to do problem 3.21 in the book in C with the following changes. You will fork two processes to print their respective sequence for the Collatz conjecture. The first will produce the sequence which is indicated by the number on the command line and the second process the sequence from the command line number plus 4. Please print the child (1 or 2) with each number output and be sure the forked processes can run concurrently. Example output is:

[lohall@netcluster cop6611]$ collatz 11

From Child 2 init n=15, From Child 2 n=46, From Child 2 n=23, From Child 2 n=70, From Child 2 n=35, From Child 2 n=106, From Child 2 n=53, From Child 2 n=160, From Child 2 n=80, From Child 2 n=40, From Child 2 n=20, From Child 2 n=10, From Child 2 n=5, From Child 2 n=16, From Child 2 n=8, From Child 2 n=4, From Child 2 n=2, From Child 2 n=1,

One done!

From Child 1 init n=11, From Child 1 n=34, From Child 1 n=17, From Child 1 n=52, From Child 1 n=26, From Child 1 n=13, From Child 1 n=40, From Child 1 n=20, From Child 1 n=10, From Child 1 n=5, From Child 1 n=16, From Child 1 n=8, From Child 1 n=4, From Child 1 n=2, From Child 1 n=1,

Children Complete

The number entered on the command line must be greater than zero and less than 40. Please put the function code in your file.

You will need to use stdlib.h if you want to use atoi to translate a character string into an integer. Use sprintf to put values into strings. You will need to do wait twice so that the main program finishes after the children (no cascading termination). You will need to use argc and argv to get command line arguments. Also, observe whether the processes always finish in the order in which they are forked.

Be extremely careful that a child process does not itself fork a process or you can fill the process table and lock up the machine. Testing of this work must only be done on.

Problem 3.21 - The Collates conjecture concerns what happens when we take any positive integer n and apply the following algorithm:


The conjecture states that when this algorithm is continually applied, all positive integers will eventually reach 1. For example, if n = 35, the sequence is

35,106, 53, 160, 80, 40, 20, 10, 5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1

Write a C program using the fork () system call that generates this sequence in the child process. The starling number will be provided from the command line. For example, if 8 is passed as a parameter on the command line, the child process will output 8, 4, 2, 1. Because the parent and child processes have their OWD copies of the data, it will be necessary for the child to output the sequence. Have the parent invoke the wait() call to wait for the child process to complete before existing the program Performa necessary error checking to ensure that a positive integer is passed on the command line.

Reference no: EM131368385

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1/23/2017 6:13:36 AM

I need a C program based on the above given information. You will need to use stdlib.h if you want to use atoi to translate a character string into an integer. Use sprintf to put values into strings. You will need to do wait twice so that the main program finishes after the children (no cascading termination). You will need to use argc and argv to get command line arguments. Also, observe whether the processes always finish in the order in which they are forked. Be extremely careful that a child process does not itself fork a process or you can fill the process table and lock up the machine. Testing of this work must only be done on.

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