Write a c function named change that has a floating point

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Reference no: EM1325285

Write a C function named change that accepts a floating point number of total coins and the addresses of the integer variables named quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies. The function should determine the number of quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies in the total coins number passed to it and write these values directly into the respective variables declared in its calling function using pointers.

Call the function change from main function three times and print out the contents of the variables quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies after each function return.

First Call: pass in the total value $1.88 and on return print the contents of the variables.

Second Call: pass in the total value .32 and on return print the contents of the variables.

Third Call: ask for a total value input from the keyboard and on return print the contents of the variables.

Output should look like following:

7 quarters
1 dime
0 nickels
3 pennies
and not:

7 quarters
18 dimes
37 nickels
188 pennies

Reference no: EM1325285

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