Write a business editorial that presents your position

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131512285 , Length: 10

Position Paper

For this assignment, you will write a business editorial that presents your position on a topic of interest. Your paper should be written using APA style and include, at minimum, the following:

A clear statement of the issue

A thorough discussion of each of the premises

Credible, supporting evidence for each of the premises

Response to each of the counterarguments, including evidence

A strong, logical connection between the premises and the conclusion

Thorough research and documentation

Writing that presents a compelling argument

At least 10 different references, 5 of which are from the APUS Library

Approximately 10 pages (this does not include title page, abstract, or reference page)

Be certain to carefully research your position using credible sources with proper citations.

Reference no: EM131512285

Questions Cloud

Criticisms of the payback-period rule except : All of the following are criticisms of the payback-period rule except:
Calculate the development of the velocity profile : Consider steady, laminar, constant-property flow in a duct formed by two parallel planes. Let the velocity be uniform at the duct entrance.
Discounted payback period for liskls comedy club : calculate the discounted payback period for LISKLs comedy club
What was his total rate of return : One year ago, Ted purchased 100 shares of stock at $18.79 a share. What was his total rate of return?
Write a business editorial that presents your position : Write a business editorial that presents your position on a topic of interest.A thorough discussion of each of the premises.
Discuss the implications of the latter assumption : Starting with the momentum theorem, develop an equation for the pressure drop for steady flow of a constant-property fluid in a tube of constant cross-sectional
Discuss the implications for the last part of problem : Consider fully developed laminar flow of a constant-property fluid in a circular tube. At a particular flow cross section calculate the total axial momentum.
Bond has been lower than the return on long-term bond : history when the return on a short-term bond has been lower than the return on a long-term bond
Derive expressions for the velocity profile : Consider steady, laminar, constant-property, fully developed flow between parallel planes. Derive expressions for the velocity profile, mean velocity.


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