Write a brief technical description of the statistical model

Assignment Help Applied Statistics
Reference no: EM132210070

Assignment -

A researcher tested the efficacy of an intervention aimed at encouraging parents to use positive praise as a behaviour management strategy with their children. She recruited 490 parents of children entering 8 infant schools. Each parent was randomly assigned to either receive a leaflet about positive praise, or attend a group parenting session at which positive praise techniques were explained and demonstrated. She measured the parent's intention to use positive praise, their belief in their ability to use it and their positivity towards the technique (i.e. did they believe it would work?). Intention to use positive praise was also measured 1 month later, and 6 months later. At each time point parents were also observed with their children and their behaviour coded for whether they used positive praise or not. The data file (tap_parenting.csv) contains the following variables:

  • id: participant id
  • intervention: whether parents received a leaflet or attended a group parenting session.
  • positivity: the parent's baseline positivity towards positive praise on a scale from 0 to 10, where 10 represents feeling extremely positive about positive praise.
  • efficacy: the parent's baseline belief in their ability to succeed in implementing positive praise (1 to 7, where 7 is high self-efficacy).
  • did_bhv: whether parents engaged in positive praise (or not) during a task.
  • id_school: school at which the leaflet was given out or at which the group session was conducted (school_1 to school_8)
  • time_cat: Time expressed as a categorical variable (baseline, 1 month, 6 months)
  • intention: The parent's self-reported intention (as a percentage) to implement positive praise.
  • time_num: Time from baseline expressed as a numeric variable (0, 1 and 6)

Import the CSV file into a tibble called parenting_tib

Test ONE of these hypotheses:

1. The rate of change in parental intentions (intention) over time is affected by which intervention they received after adjusting for their positivity and efficacy. (Note: you need to use data at all time points to address this hypothesis.)

2. Parental intentions (intention) are affected by which intervention they received after adjusting for their positivity and efficacy accounting for the hierarchical structure of the data. (Note: you could focus just on the 6 month data to address this hypothesis, or you could compute the change in intention from baseline to 6-months and use that as your outcome.)

3. Whether or not parents engaged in positive parenting (did_bhv) is predicted by which intervention they received after adjusting for their positivity and efficacy (Note: Focus on only the 6 month data to address this hypothesis.)

For the hypothesis you choose:

  • Produce summary statistics and a plot that have relevance to the hypothesis you have chosen to test.
  • Write a brief (no more than 750 words) technical description of the statistical model you have chosen (i.e. as though writing an encyclopedia entry or teaching cheat sheet).
  • Explain your choice of final model (no more than 750 words). For example, if your final model will be a robust model explain why, if you fit a non-robust one, why not? Why have you decided to make parameters fixed or random? You may refer to any exploratory analysis you have done to justify your decisions but I do not want to see all of these analyses - you should be selective about any code/output you include.
  • Fit the model that you have described above and interpret it with respect to your chosen hypothesis. Do not interpret every piece of output, instead focus on the parts most relevant to the hypothesis. (No more than 750 words)
  • Write a reflective statement about what you have learnt over the course of the assignments that used this data (including TAP 1 and 2). (No more than 500 words.)

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Reference no: EM132210070

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1/7/2019 10:56:36 PM

The RStudio statistics assignment question and the MS Excel file. I was taught to work in markdown file using tidyverse package. From the assignment, I chose to work on the 3rd hypothesis. Remember that the variables you use in your model will depend upon which hypothesis you choose, you are not expected to use every variable in the data file. You may need to convert some variables to factors after importing the CSV file. Test only ONE of the hypotheses!

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