Write a brief summary of certifications that are open

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Reference no: EM132636058

Question 1: Do some basic research on security certifications. Write a brief summary of certifications that are open. Consider if any of the certifications would be valuable for your career. Investigate and report on exam options. Write 200-300 words

Question 2: both are in a separate document

Final Project Name: Efficient Disaster Recovery

1. A brief abstract describing your final project. (200words)

2. Final Project Research paper. 700-1000 word, double spaced, written in APA format, showing sources, and a bibliography.

Reference no: EM132636058

Questions Cloud

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Write a brief summary of certifications that are open : Do some basic research on security certifications. Write a brief summary of certifications that are open. Consider if any of the certifications would be.
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Evaluate the history of cryptography from its origins : Evaluate the history of cryptography from its origins. Analyze how cryptography was used and describe how it grew within history. 3 pages, APA, No PLagarism.


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