Write a brief explanation about abstract data types

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM13802807

Write a brief explanation about each topic and example or definition-

1) C-H-Review and Introduction
a. Software Development
i. High Quality Software
ii. Code Reuse
i i i . D o c u m e n t a t i o n

1. Precondition

2. Postcondition
b. Abstract Data Types
i. Abstraction and Data hiding
ii . Definition
iii. ADTs vs data structures
c. Pointers and Structs
i. Syntax of array of pointers
ii. Structs vs classes
d. Dynamic Memory Allocation
i. Memory leaks and their causes
ii. Syntax of dynamic memory allocation/deallocation
e. Objects and Classes
i. Header vs .cpp file
ii. Private vs. public

2) Array Based Lists
a. Indroduction to Lists
i . Definition
ii. ADT or data structure?
b. Operations
i. List Operations
c. Implementations
i. Array-based
1. Resizing arrays
ii. Sorted array-based
1. Linear search
2. Binary search
d . Iterator
i. What is it for?

Reference no: EM13802807

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