Reference no: EM132411298
Assignment: In week 5, you will submit a 6-10 minute audio/visual presentation of your chosen ethical issue (Patient Confidentiality), and your stance supporting this issue. You will submit this as an assignment. You will post this video to the discussion board in week 7. You may not be personally in support of this issue, however, it is your job to convince us of a supporting position. Include evidence why you you are taking an affirmative stance with this issue. Your presentation should include both audio and visual components. The visual component can be PowerPoint slides, graphics, etc. Your presentation should be no more than 10 minutes long. Only the first 10 minutes of your presentation will be graded if you go over the time limit. You must succinctly sum up your position.
Include in your 10 minute presentation:
• A summary of your chosen ethical issue (the problem)
• A brief description of the dilemmas or concerns involved (why is this a problem?)
• Your rationale for a supportive stance on the issue.
• Your proposed resolution.
• The key stakeholders and factors in support of the issue resolution
• Ethical principles involved (e.g., justice, autonomy,
• Any policy drivers related to the issue resolution such as access, quality, and cost
• Any ethical theories that support your position.