Write a blog post summarizing the article

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131463363

select an article from a popular press newspaper (e.g., Wall Street Journal) or magazine (e.g., BusinessWeek) and write a blog post summarizing the article and providing a personal perspective of the situation or company. The blog postings should focus on specific marketing issues and apply the concepts used in class.

Reference no: EM131463363

Questions Cloud

Calculate the size of standing order : A purchasing agent for a particular type of silicon wafer used in the production of semiconductors must decide among three sources.
Evaluate the likelihood of traditional corporations : Determine the ethical theory or theories (from Chapter 1 of the textbook) that best support(s) the B-corp concept. Support your response.
What is the return on equity earned by the company : What is the return on equity earned by the company? Based upon this return, is the company picking good products or services?
What should be the size of the standing order : Parasol Systems sells motherboards for personal computers. For quantities up through 25, the firm charges $350 per board; for quantities between 26 and 50.
Write a blog post summarizing the article : select an article from a popular press newspaper (e.g., Wall Street Journal) or magazine (e.g., BusinessWeek) .
How to improve the current evacuation policy : how to improve the current fire/evacuation policy for the facility(long term care facility)
Design an ad for their product or service : Design an ad for their product or service and explain their design. develop an ad using either print media or electronic media.
Find the optimal quantities of three vegetables : Suppose that in given Problem, the space consumed by each vegetable is not proportional to its cost. In particular, suppose that one pound of lettuce required.
Discuss about challenge of globalization impact : Currently taking business seminar course and need help with question: How does the challenge of globalization impact your understanding of strategic management


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