Reference no: EM131854386
Report, between 3,750 and 5,250 words of text, 1.5 spaced, bibliography should include at least five sources, of which at least three are peer reviewed or equivalent quality.
Write a bibliography about Lethal robots for military use - technology system.
Include *both* an in-essay citation and a works cited. (references should be in APA style.)
My Client is the US Military
- Include pictures, tables, data, figures, graphs, diagrams
- Cover page sets the tone of report
- Make sure you give recommendations from technical, environmental, social, political, communication and other perspectives.
- An outline should be included in a separate file.
• Executive Summary (no abstract)
• Introduction (introduce topic and why it is important to your client)
• Main Report (Present what you have found in your research of topic - data, figures, tables, pictures, diagrams, case studies, etc)
• Recommendations (specific for your client)
• Conclusions
Outline Example
Including concepts covered in the course to date, such as the ESEM principles.
• Executive Summary
• Introduction and Background
- Description of Problem
• Traditional industrial agriculture from environmental, social, economic, and technical perspective
• Cite data from USDA on water and land usage
- Description of Client
• United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
• Needs and profile of client
- Thesis
• The current agriculture system lacks the adaptability and capacity to sustain a growing world population, especially in semi-arid regions of the United States. Thus, to ensure food security for future generations, a study shall be conducted to determine the current state of agriculture in the Southwest US, and a critical analysis of agricultural technologies shall be considered to develop a management plan to ensure future food security in this semi-arid region.
• Investigation/Analysis
- Analysis of current agricultural system
• Discussion of historical context for agriculture in Southwest US
- Investigation into the historical development of agriculture in the US, leading up to the current political and cultural climate surrounding agriculture
• Boundary Definition
- Definition of system to be analyzed, and relevant external factors to system
• Material Flows
- Definition and investigation into the materials required of the agricultural system, and flux of materials in system
• Sustainability Metrics Analysis
- Analysis of current needs of food system in terms of produce, and the consumptive resource usage of agriculture in comparison with the available resource allocated
- Analysis of regional food needs
• Quantification of produce needs for region
- Analysis of agricultural methods and efficiencies -a breakdown of several different existing agricultural technologies, analyzing their consumptive water and land usage per unit of produce output
• Traditional agriculture
• Hydroponic agriculture
• Aquaponic agriculture
• Management Strategy
- Guiding ESEM principles for management strategy
- Definition of goals for strategy
• Meet sustainability metrics for Southwestern US region
- Requirements to meet metric goals
- Projection for future metric goals
• Plan for future implementation of strategies to divert future food scarcity
- Implementation of management strategy
- Strategy for shift in agricultural system
• Policy recommendations
• Education and implementation recommendations
• Recommendations to Client USDA
• Conclusion
• Bibliography
• Love, D. C., Fry, J. P., Li, X., Hill, E. S., Genello, L., Semmens, K., & Thompson, R. E. (2015, January 1). Commercial aquaponics production and profitability: Findings from an international survey. Aquaculture, 435, 67-74.
• Treftz, C., & Omaye, S. T. (2016). Hydroponics: potential for augmenting sustainable food production in non-arable regions. Nutition and Food Science, 46(5), 672-684.
• USDA ERS. (2010, May 5). Table 3-Total farm output by State. Retrieved from United States Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service.