Write a academic essay to support that claim

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Reference no: EM131278069 , Length: word count : 1200

Write the given paper.

Food safety: important issue in developing countries

Project : Joining The Conversation

Intermediate Draft (Canvas and My Reviewers)
The intermediate draft should be a working draft that includes the thesis, all major points, evidence to support these points (including in-text citations), counterclaims, and a Works Cited page. This draft should be 1,000-1,200 words.

Project Description/Assignment
Students should use research as support for their thesis and a way of acknowledging and incorporating counterclaims. Students should incorporate a minimum of six sources, at least four of which need to be peer-reviewed.

Generate an arguable claim and write a 1,000-1,200-word academic essay to support that claim, based on the following requirements:
1. present your arguable claim in your thesis

2. provide background on the topic

3. use evidence to support your claim

4. explain counterarguments and refute them to support your claim

5. offer a conclusion that underscores why your argument matters within a larger context.

This essay prepares you to compose the type of research-based academic writing that you will be asked to do throughout your academic career.

Prior to Project 3 you developed a research question to guide the research you conducted, then situated that research in the historical context of your topic. In Project 3, you will write an argumentative essay and translate that argument into a Google Slides presentation for an audience of your peers who are less knowledgeable about your topic.

Moving from an assessment of the historical context from your Project 2 paper, the thesis for Project 3 should distinctly stake your claim in the argument. The thesis should respond to the research question by establishing an arguable claim. The thesis should include your understanding of counterarguments and develop evidence-based claims that support your argument on the topic.

Terms You Should Know
• Ethos: appeal to credibility or morality
• Pathos: appeal to the emotions
• Logos: appeal to logic
• Kairos: appeal to timeliness
• Medium: tool for communication
• Remediation: an argument made in one medium translated into another medium
• Audience: recipient of communication
• Counterargument: an argument opposed to the idea developed by your thesis.

Attachment:- Project 1.rar

Attachment:- Project 2.rar

Reference no: EM131278069

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