Reference no: EM131144493 , Length: 3
Write 3 page paper for the following.
Utilize the same company that you used prior in a previous assignment. I believe it was the graphics design company.
Also, utilize the resources if needed that were used in the assignment that dealt with Theory X and Y.
If you use any additional resources please provide the link it which I can find it.
For the Session Long Project, write about an organization you currently work for or have worked for in the past and applying the background materials to your experience. So the first step in this assignment is to choose an organization that you have worked for that you want to write about.
Think about your own experiences at this organization, and how motivated you were and what factors increased or decreased your motivation. Then write a two to three page paper covering the following issues:
What steps did management at your organization do to motivate workers?
Did management seem to apply Theory X or Theory Y for their motivation strategies? Or did they use elements of both?
What needs in Maslow's hierarchy does management at your organization try to address?
SLP Assignment Expectations
Answer the assignment questions directly
Stay focused on the precise assignment questions, don't go off on tangents or devote a lot of space to summarizing general background materials
Make sure to use reliable and credible sources as your references. Articles published in established newspapers or business journals/magazines are preferred. If you find articles on the internet, make sure it is from a credible source.