WPDD202 Webpage Design and Development Assignment

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM132850431

WPDD202 Webpage Design and Development - Kent Institute

Content Analysis (Reflective Journal)

Learning Outcome 1: Describe and use the client-server internet model, W3C standards, mark-up languages, client-side scripting, server-side scripting to access and manipulate data, database access and internet security.

Learning Outcome 2: Analyse and model requirements and constraints for the design of client- server internet applications.

Learning Outcome 3: Apply HTML 5, CSS, JavaScript, Multimedia, and interactivity to develop highly effective websites.

Learning Outcome 4: Identify problems, opportunities, and challenges in creating Webpages.

Learning Outcome 5: Make recommendations based on accessibility, ethics, and website promotion strategies


Students are required to analyse the weekly lecture material of weeks 1 to 11 and create concise content analysis summaries of the theoretical and technical concepts contained in the course lecture slides.

Where the lab content or information contained in technical articles from the Internet or books helps to fully describe the lecture slide content, discussion of such theoretical articles or discussion of the lab material should be included in the content analysis.

The document structure is as follows (2500 Words):
1. Title Page
2. Introduction (125 words)
3. Background (125 words)
4. Content analysis (reflective journals) for each week from 1 to 11 (2200 words; 200 words per week):
a. Theoretical Discussion
i. Important topics covered
ii. Definitions
b. Interpretations of the contents
i. What are the most important/useful/relevant information about the content?
c. Outcome
i. What have I learned from this?
5. Conclusion (50 words)

Your report must include:
• At least five references, out of which, three references must be from academic resources.
• Harvard Australian referencing for any sources you use.
• Refer to the Academic Learning Skills student guide on Referencing.

Attachment:- Webpage Design and Development.rar

Reference no: EM132850431

Questions Cloud

Behavioral biometrics : Behavioral biometrics are based upon a person's actions or measurements of body movement. Explain how your selected biometric works.
Find the confidence interval for the population mean : Assuming that the ages at which children start walking is approximately normally distributed, find the 99% confidence interval for the population mean.
What is the liquidity premium on Niendorf bonds : Niendorf Corporation's 5-year bonds yield 6.75%, and 5-year T-bonds yield 4.80%. What is the liquidity premium (LP) on Niendorf's bonds
Compute the pearson correlation coefficient : Interpret the data using the general rage of very weak to very strong. Also compute the coefficient of determination. How does the subjective analysis
WPDD202 Webpage Design and Development Assignment : WPDD202 Webpage Design and Development Assignment Help and Solution, Kent Institute - Assessment Writing Service - Describe and use the client-server internet
What is the correct balance on December : Shipments to the branch are billed at cost. The December 31 inventory of the branch was P25,245. What is the correct balance on December 31, 2008
Estimate of the mean amount of? nitrogen-oxide emissions : Assuming that this sample is representative of cars in? use, construct a? 95% confidence interval estimate of the mean amount of? nitrogen-oxide emissions for a
Integrated automate fingerprint information system : The Integrated Automate Fingerprint Information System (IAFIS) maintained by the FBI is the world's largest and most successful fingerprint database
What was the score on the remaining test : If the student's scores on six of the tests are 84, 71, 92, 82, 91, and 70, what was the score on the remaining test?


Write a Review

Web Project Questions & Answers

  Evaluating an ecommerce website

Create a check list that contains key point for evaluating an ecommerce website - Write a short, reflective report about website

  Gpc and runtime magic quotes

Create a script that lets you know whether Zeus or Helios has the GPC and Runtime Magic Quotes turned on or off. The output should have appropriate labels that define what output signified and should display 'ON' or 'OFF' depending on the setting.

  Creating functions through conditional operator

Use the conditional operator and the cal_days_in_month function, determine the number of days in the current month and output to browser whether it is normal month or a leap month.

  Web development projects with database

Since the vast majority of web-development projects involve a database, do you think that computational activities should be performed there, or do you think they belong in the XML page or stylesheet?

  Comparing shelf software packages

Required assistance with comparing and contrasting two main off the shelf software packages that could be implemented in an organization.

  Web based scams

Web phishing, pharming and vishing are popular web based scams. Talk about currently used tools and recommended measures to defeat this kind of attacks efficiently?

  Explanation of contextual links

The most powerful hypertext capabilities is the the contextual link. Wikipedia . com is a great example of a site that utilizes contextual links.

  How architectural and protocol changes occur

Discuss how architectural and protocol changes happen, the administrative organization that oversees the technical development of the Internet,

  Traditional approaches for training professionals

Webinars and other web conferencing techniques have proved most beneficial for the provision of affordable quality corporate training.

  Internet for business

Discuss how can a business use the Internet and give at least three examples with web links demonstrating your answer.

  It influences the behavior of organizations

Information technology influences the behavior of organizations. Name one effect of Information technology implementation and long-term usage you suppose having a positive contribution and one having a negative consequence.

  Importance of a guided navigation system

Explain the use and importance of a guided navigation system and shopping cart for a website designed for e-commerce and business purpose.

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