Would you recommend the implementation of a new technology

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM131539008

Assignemnt: Introduction to Transportation, Logistics, & Supply Chain Management

Feets has not implemented any new computer system technologies such as: electronic data interchange (EDI); efficient customer response (ECR); collaborative, planning, forecasting, and replenishment (CPFR); radio frequency identification (RFID); ecommerce; etc.

1. Would you recommend the implementation of a new technology? Why or why not? Please use information from the scenario to support your recommendation.

2. Choose a well known retail store (ex. Sears or Best Buy) and discuss which of these technologies you would incorporate (and why) for this store.

Reference no: EM131539008

Questions Cloud

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Developing and marketing a package of innovative enterprise : XYZ company has been a one product company focused on developing and marketing a package of innovative enterprise resources
Prepare a forecasted contribution margin income statement : Caruso Co. sold 40,000 units of its only product and incurred a $100,000 loss (ignoring taxes) for the current year as shown here.
Would you recommend the implementation of a new technology : Would you recommend the implementation of a new technology? Why or why not? Please use information from the scenario to support your recommendation.
Identify an important relationship : Identify an important relationship (co-worker, boss, friend) in which you are having trouble gaining cooperation.
Estimate fixed and variable components of maintenance costs : This scatter diagram reflects past maintenance hours and their corresponding maintenance costs.
Tackling the idea of expansion : For my business problem, I will be tackling the idea of expansion. I will be using some examples from my current employers, VeriFone.
Research the events surrounding the airing and aftermath : Research the events surrounding the airing and aftermath of the investigative news story "For the Record," produced by CBS news and Dan Rather in 2004.


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