Would you qualify as a trusted traveler

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Reference no: EM131489661

Decorated U.S. war veterans, and the object that triggered the machine was the Medal of Honor that President Franklin Delano Roosevelt had presented to Foss for his spectacular bravery during World War II.

Forced by airport officials to remove articles of clothing three times, Foss, who hardly fits any profile of a terrorist or suicidal hijacker, was forced to endure the humiliation of his Medal of Honor being taken from him during the security interrogations. Foss arguably attracted unwarrantedly prolonged security attention, in the process diverting the focus of guards from other passengers who might in fact have fit terrorist profiles.

In your writing assignment, explain why we do not profile terrorists. Describe alternatives to profiling, including the idea of a trusted traveler program. What do you think is the best way to screen for terrorists at airports? This assignment must be a neat, professional presentation on this subject. Proper punctuation, spelling, and usage of grammar are imperative. Your paper should be two to three typed, double-spaced pages in length.

IMPORTANT: This project is required. You must complete this project. Please send this project to the school for grading. Complete and attach a Submission and Evaluation Form provided with this Learning Guide. If you fail to attach the form to your assignment, your work will not be accepted.Reading Assignment

In your Homeland Security textbook carefully study Unit 3 (pages 58 through 73), Unit 4 (pages 74 through 91), and Unit 5 (pages 92 through 109).

Suggested Real-World Project

To increase your knowledge of the field, research the trusted traveler program mentioned in your reading. What is it? How does the program work? Would you qualify as a trusted traveler? Is this program the answer to our security concerns?

IMPORTANT: This project is optional. You are not required to complete this project. Please do NOT send this project to the school for grading.

Directions: Be sure to make a copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be a minimum of one (1) single spaced page to a maximum of two (2) pages in length.

To increase your knowledge of the field, write a paper about profiling terrorists during airport screenings. Since the 9/11 hijackers all fit the same profile- Middle Eastern men, ages 20-40--many people wonder why we insist on searching people who do not fit the profile of these terrorists. For example, I recently flew with my 71-year-old mother and 75-year-old stepfather. My stepfather's mental state (advanced Alzheimer's) was such that he could not even follow the airport screener's simple directions to remove his shoes and extend his arms. These two were obviously no threat, yet we search people like them daily.

Verified Expert

This assignment is an essay on the topic Terrorist Profiling. The introduction includes the definition of terrorist profiling and how it works. the main body of the essay includes the discussion about the failure of terrorist profiling and the reasons behind it. The three main attributes that anti-terrorism units use to profile the terrorist is discussed along with alternatives that be used to target the terrorist especially in places like airport where a huge crowd daily comes and go. the conclusion summarizes the purpose of the essay in short.

Reference no: EM131489661

Questions Cloud

Basic types of occupational exposure limits : Discuss the similarities and differences that exist between the three basic types of occupational exposure limits (OELs).
What are major types of federal and local taxes on payroll : Identifying What are the major types of federal, state, and local taxes on the payroll withholding statement?
Contact with graphite : What is the partial pressure of CO2(g) at equilibrium if initially 4.00 atm of CO(g) is in contact with graphite?
Daily requirement for calcium : If the daily requirement for calcium (in the form of ions) is 1000 mg for those people from ages 19 to 50, calculate what percentage.
Would you qualify as a trusted traveler : To increase your knowledge of the field, research the trusted traveler program mentioned in your reading. What is it? How does the program work?
List the advantages and disadvantages of the value-added tax : Listing Use a graphic organizer like the one below to list the advantages and disadvantages of the value-added tax.
Describe concept of social security as originally envisioned : Describe the concept of Social Security as originally envisioned by President Roosevelt. Evaluate the viability of Social Security within the next 20-30 years.
What is the concentration of the cyanide ions : What is the concentration of the cyanide ions in a 0.60 M titanium(IV) cyanide solution?
How high off the ground does the plane fly : In the reference frame of the ground, the plane flies 1260 m above the ground. How high off the ground does the plane fly in its own reference frame?


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