Would this be good or bad for the economy

Assignment Help Econometrics
Reference no: EM131061669

What is consumer confidence and what role does it play in the economy? What effect, if any, would consumers pulling money out of their checking accounts and putting it into home safes have on investment, interest rates, and GDP? Would this be good or bad for the economy?

What are M1 and M2? What impact would this action (pulling money from checking accounts) have on the size of the M1 and M2 components of the money supply?

Reference no: EM131061669

Questions Cloud

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Broussard company reported net income : Broussard Company reported net income of $2.9 million in 2014 Depreciation for the year was $504,000; account receivable increased $484,000; and accouts payable increased $284,000. Compute net cash flow from operating activities using the indirect..
Would this be good or bad for the economy : What are M1 and M2? What impact would this action (pulling money from checking accounts) have on the size of the M1 and M2 components of the money supply?
Alex ltd started its operations : Alex Ltd started its operations from 1 Jan 2013. Its budgeted sales for the next 6 months are as follows: Sales Revenue (Units) January 2,000 February 2,200 March 2,300 April 2,400 May 2,600 June 2,800 The selling price per unit is expected to be ..
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Describing the nature of economics : Consider the use of thought experiments, the theory of value and the time factor.


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