Reference no: EM131668948
11.1 - Defining a Class in Separate Files: A Summary]
Which of the following portions of a class should be written in the header file (called the interface file)?
1. The class definition
2. The public member function definitions
3. The private member function definitions
4. The friend function definitions
5. All of the above
[11.1 - Defining a Class in Separate Files: A Summary]
How does the implementation file InvItem.cpp obtain access to the interface file InvItem.h stored in the same directory?
How does the application (driver) file such as main.cpp obtain access to the interface file InvItem.h stored in the same directory?
1. [11.1 - Defining a Class in Separate Files: A Summary]
The application (driver) file is given access to the interface file so that it knows the declarations of its public members. It is not given direct access to the private members or to the definitions of the member functions. The implementation file is compiled separately from the application file.
What must be done first before you can run the entire program, given that the implementation file is not directly included to the application file?
1. [11.1 - Using #ifndef]
In order to prevent yourself from accidentally telling c++ to define the InvItem class multiple times, we use preprocessor statements (directives). These statements are read prior to compilation, which is why we are unable to overload the # operator.
What three preprocessor statements need to be added to the interface file InvItem.h in order to prevent the InvItem class from being defined multiiple times accidentally?
Where do these lines appear in the interface file?
1. [11.2 - Namespaces and using Directives]
If we didn't write using namespace std; after #include <iostream>, to write this line of code:
cout<< "Hello World" <<endl;
We would instead have to write:
std::cout<< "Hello World" <<std::endl;
What does using namespace std; actually do, and what is contained in the std namespace?
1. [11.2 - Namespaces and usingDirectives]
Which namespace is code defined within if we do not declare a namespace for it?
1. [11.2 - Namespaces and using Directives / usingDeclarations]
Can the using directive be applied to two different namespaces in the same program?
Yes, if both are in the same block (scope).
Yes, if both are in different blocks (scopes).
Yes, whether they are in the same block or not.
No, a single program can only have the using directive applied once.
1. [11.2 - using Declarations]
Suppose you want to use the std namespace for several definitions in the program, but you have special definitions for cout and cin in the namespace customIO. Would the following code be legal for resolving the problem? If not, why not?
using namespace std;
1. [11.2 - Unnamed Namespaces]
Every compilation unit has an unnamed namespace. (Think of each cpp file as being one compilation unit.) How is the unnamed namespace different from the global namespace?
1. [11.2 - Nested Namespaces]
Suppose we have defined:
namespace S1{
namespace S2{
void HelloWorld(){ cout<< "Hello World" <<endl; }
Write a statement to call the HelloWorld function outside of the S1 namespace.
1. What's one thing you read from the chapter which you didn't quite understand at first but then managed to figure out? How did you go about figuring it out?