Reference no: EM13855979
Q1 Was the Cameron government's policy of fiscal austerity the right response to the to the United Kingdom's economic problems in 2010?
Q2 What are the strengths and weaknesses to the United Kingdom's long-run growth strategy?
Q3 What measures should the U.K. government take in response to the rising inequality? Is inequality a weakness? Why, or why not?
Q4 Would leaving the E.U. help or hurt the U.K.?
Areas for improvement, and thus higher scores, include the following:
• Avoid summarizing and repeating text from case
• Misuse of theory or use that does not advance argument
• Don't spend time summarizing case, go straight to analysis
• Avoid refereeing to case studies as articles, the latter require very different types of evaluation.
• Analysis supported by exhibit data tends to score higher. This is especially true if you make claims about firm performance. For example, avoid statements such as the following "Gerard Philips. His death really marked the beginning of the downward spiral of the company." We must support these types of sweeping generalizations with analysis; preferably financial!
• There is a subtle, but important distinction, between case review and case analysis! Case review is historical, and reviews case facts, but does not present an analytical framework to interpret case facts. Case review scores lower. Use conceptual categories to structure analysis e.g. Location - national culture, organizational culture, political, legal, economic, global strategy, localization strategy, transnational strategy etc.
• When you write of a company as being "successful" over a period of time, explain what you mean by "successful", preferably in financial terms, especially if data is available in the exhibits. Avoid statements such as "These companies also grew too fast for their own good." Growing fast is usually as good thing!
• If you argue that centralization at Philips lead to poor performance, be prepared to explain why centralization at Matsushita was the key to their early success!
• Discussion of strategy issues in the case would have benefited from more integration of textbook theory on the relative pressures for localization versus those for cost reduction. Environment changes over times could be related to these twin pressures.
• Remember, if you address a particular thread then try to DIRECTLY address the issue in the thread. For example, one detailed analysis of the question relating to national origin of the two companies, spent ten paragraphs reviewing the case and only one final paragraph that went to the hearth of the thread.
Attachment:- Case.rar