Would a ratings system be considered censorship

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM131412259

With the emergence of early Greek and Roman drama came the development of satyr plays, which history has shown were bawdy in nature and contained dialogue and imagery that some people today might find offensive (in fact, an internet search of Greek and Roman pottery will find many adult-oriented pieces). Throughout time, theatre artists have always "pushed the limits" of decency - a sense of decency that is subjective and can be interpreted differently by different people.

In today's world, film and television (even video games and music) have ratings systems, but live stage theatre still does not a formal ratings system. This final journal assignment is to reflect on and respond to the following questions...

If theatre was to institute a ratings system, informing audiences of theatrical works containing sexual situations, adult language and/or violence, would you consider it a hinderance to the growth of theatre?

In your opinion, would a ratings system be considered censorship of the artist or merely a marketing strategy to increase sales (assisting the public in making a decision)?

Why or why not?

Post your 300-350 word journal, including one example of a production, event, project or artists that would benefit and/or suffer. As with all of our assignments, be careful of spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization and MLA guidelines.

Reference no: EM131412259

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