Worst case time that is faster

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM132320199

(a) You're given a set of n numbers, each of which has value 1, 100, or 2n . How fast can you sort these numbers, and why?

(b) You're given a set of n integers, each of which has a value between 1 and (n log n) log n. Can counting sort or radix sort be used to sort in worst case time that is faster than Θ(n log n)? Justify your answer

Reference no: EM132320199

Questions Cloud

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Define a function named getlifespan that returns : Also define a function named getLifespan that returns a string with the value "unknown lifespan."
Information system analysis and design : In information system analysis and design, what are some types of maintenance, and how do they differ from each other?
Worst case time that is faster : Can counting sort or radix sort be used to sort in worst case time that is faster than T(n log n)? Justify your answer
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Explain why it might be x : Let x be the last element that was inserted. For each element in the heap, explain why it might be x, or why it cannot be.
What are the basic components required to set up : Assume you want to set up a simple network that allows two or more PCs to share files. You also want these PCs to be able to access the public Internet.
Which type of knowledge would yield the best results : From the e-Activity, compare the results of the two (2) quizzes / tests that you have taken. Distinguish the common thread(s)-or lack thereof-that the results.


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