World cultures using proper writing mechanics

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM13977287

Choose one (1) of the three (3) reading selections from the list of topic choices below. The focus is on brief but important primary source material written by major authors. Read the selections as identified with each topic below. Write a three to four (3-4) paragraph essay (250 words minimum) which analyzes the "surprise ending" of the reading selection.

Topic Choices

Reading selection from Descartes' Discourse on the Method (Part IV). Descartes begins with a proof of one basic conclusion and ends with a proof of something much grander. Remember to focus on the surprise and point of realization, not the details of the philosophical argument. Read Part IV of the Discourse on the Method located at (then scroll down to Part 4, pp. 14-18). This is only four or five (4 or 5) pages of the larger work.

Reading selection of Swift's A Modest Proposal. It is essential to recognize the genre of this work, as discussed in our class text, which you should consult and cite. Swift promotes a radical solution, but subtle options are mentioned. You are looking for surprise and a point of realization. Read and focus on A Modest Proposal located at

Two (2) reading selections from Voltaire's Candide. Consider how these readings start and end in terms of the action and the beliefs. You are looking for surprise and a point of realization. These selections can be found on pp. 840-841 in the textbook. In addition, consult the class text at pp. 824-825.
For the reading selection you choose:

Clearly state in your own words the "surprise ending" in the reading you selected. Clearly identify the point in the reading when you realized that there were elements in the reading that surprised you. Not all of the surprises come at the end.

Evaluate how successful the author was in convincing you to accept the validity of the "surprise ending" that was different from what you expected.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA Style format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. (Note: Students can find APA style materials located in the Additional Resources section of their Student Center within their course shell for reference)

Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the professor's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

Use the source(s) identified above for the topic you choose, focusing on the main primary source of that author. You may use additional sources also if they are of good academic quality for college papers (Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify).

Use proper APA style in-text citing and also a matching APA style References list at the end.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Explain how key social, cultural, and artistic contributions contribute to historical changes.

Explain the importance of situating a society's cultural and artistic expressions within a historical context.

Examine the influences of intellectual, religious, political, and socio-economic forces on social, cultural, and artistic expressions.

Identify major historical developments in world cultures from the Renaissance to the contemporary period.

Use technology and information resources to research issues in the study of world cultures.

Write clearly and concisely about world cultures using proper writing mechanics.

Reference no: EM13977287

Questions Cloud

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World cultures using proper writing mechanics : Explain the importance of situating a society's cultural and artistic expressions within a historical context.
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Explain how modernization and dependency theories : India by explaining how they are doing in terms of social, political and economic development and how each theory would explain why they are where they are.


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