Works of art have both form and content

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133368961


1. Works of art have both form and content. In this statement, form refers to visual characteristics, while content means ____.

a. happiness

b. subject matter

c. line, shapr, color

d. chiaroscuro

2. The study of symbols in a work of art is referred to as

a. form

b. biomorphic shape

c. iconography

d. humanism

3. The Renaissance saw a renewed interest in

a. the ideals and the art of classical Greece and Rome

b. the subject and style of the middle ages

c. black plague

d. all the above

4. Renaissance artists:

a. used the human form and everyday objects to represent spiritual ideas

b. relied on the extensive use of gold leaf torepresent the heavens

c. were influenced by the philosphy known as humanism

d. both a and c

5. Which of the following did Renaissance artists use to create the illusion of three-dimensional space on a two-dimensional surface such as a painting or drawing:

a. one-point perspective

b. overlapping

c. aerial perspective

d. all the above

Reference no: EM133368961

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