Workplace safety in organisation

Assignment Help Operation Research
Reference no: EM131761232

Proposed topic - Workplace safety in Organisation is the topic which is chosen for the proposal writing and this is based on the law and governance.

Research question - What is the importance of the Health and Safety in Workplace?

Assessment 1 - Data Analysis


This assessments has two parts. For the first and following the instruction sheet, you are expected to create a data set in SPSS or PSPP (to whichever you have access) using raw data provided. Then you must analyse this data statistically. Essentially, you are required to conduct a number of statistical tests to generate output via SPSS/PSPP. Save your results, cut and paste into the instruction sheet and comment/interpret your findings.

For the second part your task will be expected to read the interview transcripts provided and perform a content analysis. That is, you need to read the information/data over and find if there are some common themes among them. You may do this any method you choose. When you have finished the reading, and the categorization, you need to write a no more than five-page report on what you have discovered. You're going to write this up as you would in two sections of a research paper:

Methods (or Methodology)
Here you describe exactly how you analysed the data. What were your rules for determining categories, trends, or themes. How did you do the coding?

Assessment 2 - Research Proposal

The main purpose of a research proposal is to show that the problem you propose to investigate is significant enough to warrant the investigation, the method you plan to use is suitable and feasible, and the results are likely to prove fruitful and will make an original contribution. In short, what you are answering is 'will it work?'

It always forces you to think about your topic, to see the scope of your research, and to review the suitability of your methodology. Having something in writing also gives an opportunity to your supervisor to judge the feasibility of the project

Assessment 3 - Research Report

Students are to prepare a research report in the form of a literature review. Broadly, this is a review of literature related to your chosen topic or area of study. This is followed by your conclusions including an explanation of how your research questions or hypotheses were formed and what areas you would propose for further study. The areas of further study are based on the ‘gaps' that you have identified in the existing literature.

The purpose is so you learn how to:

Identify and formulate enquiry questions and or hypotheses that defines the gap you have identified;

Search and locate literature;

Analyze secondary data and information;

Synthesize new information into the literature review;

Establish context for your enquiries; and

Write at an academic level appropriate for publication.

Verified Expert

This assignment is a research proposal on topic importance of workplace health and safety in the organization this assignment is a part work in which introduction about importance of workplace health and safety in the organization is done research goal, problem statement, research scope is mentioned in chapter 1 Introduction patrt After thate second chapter literature review is done.

Reference no: EM131761232

Questions Cloud

What is the cash flow related to the net working capital : What is the cash flow related to the net working capital for the last year of the project?
Find your own example of a media product : Your analysis on the "Gender & Media" discussion board. Directly explain the central point or concept from the clip and how it applies to your example.
Perform a benford law analysis : The purpose of this case is to familiarize you with the Benford's Law function-ality of the ACL and IDEA software. If you have not already done so.
Calculate the following time value of money problems : 1. If you want to accumulate $500,000 in 20 years, how much do you need to deposit today that pays an interest rate of 15%?
Workplace safety in organisation : LB5235 - Workplace safety in Organisation is the topic which is chosen for the proposal writing and this is based on the law and governance
Seven problems in achieving a successful acquisition : Describe the seven problems in achieving a successful acquisition?
What are the positives and negative trends : Over the last three years of Disney (Walt Disney Co) financial statements, what are the positives and negative trends.
What is the purpose of the financial accounting concepts : What is the purpose of the Financial Accounting Concepts? What do they tell us about why accountants provide accounting information?
Simple interest amortized loan : Guy dePrimo buys a new car for $9,837.91. He puts 10% down and obtains a simple interest amortized loan for the rest at 8 7/8% interest



4/23/2018 5:49:40 AM

I just want to thank your service and most especially to the expert for such a wonderful paper. I was not comfortable doing this, but I had to choose who or what received my attention. I know now what a smart choice I made! This expert knew exactly what to write! I am in awe of his quality of his work!!! You are a very good service to have him on your staff. My thanks to you all.


1/9/2018 5:21:26 AM

i will pay you $ as i have that much left and rest i will pay when the work is done tomorrow i will transfer $. i need by 10th.....please follow the instruction mentioned in the subject outline and the proposal document as it has to be linked to the proposal references...thanks i am expecting very good work from you ok you can start the work you will get payment tomorrow thanks.. Hi i have just now made a payment of $ so please start my work and please write in high standard form it's related to my career and i am depending on you guys...


1/9/2018 5:21:07 AM

can you please make another different research report on same research proposal for my friend and please follow the marking guide and the requirements the research report which i have send you previously...please make me in lower cost. need it soon, please write on same format but differently so the lecturer will give good mark. It should be same as before. You can use other research method available but the proposal should be same ..let me know the cost i will pay you tomorrow night and please start the work as i will pay u tomorrow 100%.... 25371272_1AssessmentslB523517S21 1.pptx i have attached the required documents please make new research report based on the same proposal topic as i have attached...but please make sure its of very high quality like previous one. i will pay you tomorrow please start the work.


12/12/2017 12:53:38 AM

?use secondary data for the research report and please see the marking rubric in the subject outline and file name for that is LB5235 there is all requirements of the report and please make it in very good standard thanks..i'm expecting very nice work from you..


12/12/2017 12:53:25 AM

the topic is in the proposal file so please refer to it...i have attached you the files related to the research report...please refer to the proposal and subjeect outline the file name is LB5235 file and go to the assessment 3 there is details of the research report...just i need report like before you gave me but shouldnot be similar it was also good but i need better than the previous one ....please find the topic in the proposal file thanks


12/12/2017 12:53:17 AM

make sure i get good research report as its very important me to pass this subject so please pay very good attention refering to all the documents can see details in subject outline under heading assessment3.....there are all requirements and also refer to the marking rubric so that i can get good grades.. please write it in standard readable form and of good quality i need to pass this subject so please... please follow the marking guide and the requirements the research report which i have send you


12/12/2017 12:53:11 AM

I need a good research report to pass my degree. so please refer to the requirements as the lecturer are very strict. I have attached the proposal for research report every details are there...refer to those topics and journal articles thanks i have attached the required documents please make new research report based on the same proposal topic as i have attached...but please make sure its of very high quality so i will be able to pass it. please follow the instruction mentioned in the subject outline and the proposal document as it has to be linked to the proposal references...thanks i am expecting very good work from you please refer to the subject outline guides and assignment requirements for research report and i need very good report as if i get less mark this time i will fail this semester so please be very serious and i will be doing more assignments with you if i get good marks.let me know any further additional information that you may need in case regarding the assignment....and the report should be based on the proposal that i have attached to you thanks..

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