Workplace expectations between different generational cohort

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133107021

The purpose of this assignment is to identify the generational differences and ways in which various cohorts can work collectively together.

Conduct one interview from the younger generation (Gen X, Gen Y, or Gen Z) and one interview from the older generation (Baby Boomer or Traditionalist) about work expectations and employee satisfaction, performance management, training and development, and expectations of different generational cohorts.

You are required to ask the following questions in your interview. Additionally, you are required to come up with a minimum of two original questions for your interviews related to performance management and training and development. Compare the two generations interviewed based on the responses provided, including expectations of different generational cohorts.

Based on your work experience, describe your work expectations and level of satisfaction. What role did HR have in your overall level of satisfaction based on your experience with the organization?

In your experience, what ways has HR engaged the workforce? Can you provide some examples? Are there ways that HR can better engage the workforce?

Are you aware of the process that the organization has in reporting ethical issues or situations?

What is your impression of different generations in the workplace? Have you observed differences in workplace expectations between different generational cohorts?

Finally, provide two recommendations for strategies to leadership that could be used to foster an integrative culture through ethical practices, communication, and knowledge sharing, including performance management and retention practices to ensure sustainability.

Reference no: EM133107021

Questions Cloud

Create customer-drive culture : How they create a customer-drive culture. Their training, coaching and incentive programs. What is their particular leadership style;
Idea of what integrity means in our head : We each have an idea of what integrity means in our head, but actually defining this concept is rather difficult. What does integrity mean to you?
Company use of social media : Give some advantages and disadvantages to this company's use of social media.
Influence reliability of time-series forecasts : Describe the factors that influence the reliability of time-series forecasts. Describe the differences between the forecasting methods that can be used.
Workplace expectations between different generational cohort : What is your impression of different generations in the workplace? Have you observed differences in workplace expectations between different generational cohort
By failing to prepare-you are preparing to fail : Benjamin Franklin once quoted, "By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.
Organizational behavior : What did Teresa learn? What learning and perception factors should she consider as she analyzes the situation?
Hostile work environments and sexual harassment : We will explore areas such as disparity, affirmative action policies, bias wage systems, hostile work environments, sexual harassment
The elements of tort of negligence : Explain each of the elements of the tort of negligence, providing examples of each in a business setting.


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