Working with numeric variables

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13744123

Create a Java program for the following application. 
(it is in the second chapter of my Intro to "Java Programming" book (Murach 4th Edition)
It involves
1. working with numeric variables
2.using the System.out object to print output to console

PizzaCost Application

The cost of making a pizza at a local shop is as follows:

Labor cost is $0.75 per pizza, regardless of size.
Rent cost is $1.00 per pizza, regardless of size.
Materials is $0.05 * diameter * diameter, where diameter is measured in inches.
You will store the labor, rent, and size of the pizza as constants.


materials = .05 * diameter * diameter
pizzaCost = labor + rent + materials

Create a PizzaCost application that displays the cost of making the pizza based on a size stored in a variable. The application output should look similar to:

Enter the diameter of the pizza in inches: 16
The cost of making the pizza is: $14.55 

Reference no: EM13744123

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