Working with families-implementing best practices

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Reference no: EM133440786

Working with Families: Implementing Best Practices

Step 1. Imagine that you are a teacher. A parent says one of the following statements to you. Choose one of the statements to address. In your documentation, indicate which you've chosen and why you chose that statement.

"If you ask me, you want me to get done your job for you. You can't handle him in the classroom, so you want me to get tough with him at home."


"As long as I'm the one paying the bill for childcare, I want things done as I ask. I insist that you get busy and teach my child to read this year before they go to kindergarten."


"What is this stuff about readiness? I know my own child. I say she's ready for kindergarten, and I don't care what your test results say."

Step 2. Explain how you will address this parent. Explain what you will say, and the steps in using positive communication techniques.

Step 3. Write a newsletter article (follow best practices) addressing the main issue in the parent statement.

Step 4. Provide two resources for the parents on the topic you are highlighting in your newsletter article. Explain each of the resources and describe how you will provide the resources to the parent or parents.

Step 5. Conclude with what you will do in the future to prevent this particular encounter.

Reference no: EM133440786

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