Working in teams-causes of conflict between penelope-peter

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133091065

Developing effective teams can be challenging. There are different personalities to deal with when working in teams, but the benefits can be extraordinary.

Review the "Penelope at Work" video in your Module 04 lessons folder under "Managing Team Conflict" and discuss the following:

What do you think were the causes of the conflict between Penelope and Peter?

What should happen to get them to work more cohesively as a team?

What problems have you encountered in school or in your career when working in teams or a group setting?

What was the cause of the conflict? How did the conflict get resolved?

For your reply post, discuss whether or not there was a better approach that your classmate could have taking to resolve their conflict? How would you have handled the situation?

Reference no: EM133091065

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