Working good hospitality job with great benefits

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133370430

Current pay: $55,000 with great benefits

Background: Stan was working a good hospitality job with great benefits, but through networking and hard work, he landed an interview at his dream company, Marriott Corporate. Not only was this an internationally recognized organization, but this particular company was ranked among the top in the world. Note that this was not an open, posted position, but rather was something the company was thinking of creating just for him. The problem? It's hard to negotiate when it would be unbearably difficult to walk away from an offer.

When asked during an initial phone call with Marriott for his salary expectations for this job, he stated a range of mid-to-upper $40,000 for his base.

While the upside is that he knew what he was looking for and was honest and upfront, the downside is that by going first, and not knowing how they structured their positions, he might have been too high or too low in his request.


1. What would you have done differently if you were Stan? Would you have done anything differently?

2. Do you think that Stan went too high or too low with his offer? Why?

3. If Stan is offered the position at the salary of $41,000, do you believe he should accept or negotiate a higher salary? Do you think he should stay in his current position? Why?

Reference no: EM133370430

Questions Cloud

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