Reference no: EM133323141
At your church, there is a woman of the congregation whose child is struggling with language. This woman knows you are studying psychology and approaches you after a church service with some questions. She is clearly concerned about her 1 year-old daughter, who is only babbling and saying a few words like "mama, "dada," "babba," and "hi." The woman indicates she believes her daughter should be speaking in full sentences by now and is worried there might be something wrong with her development. As you listen to the woman's concerns, you believe her daughter seems to be developing normal language skills, given her age. You offer to provide some information about normal language development to help ease her fears. The woman is relieved and enthusiastic about your offer and asks if you would consider sharing this information with other parents at the church who have young children.
1. Language comprehension. These slides should discuss how people understand language. What are the components of language comprehension? Examples should be provided. Your thoughts about how language comprehension might be applied to real life should be included.
2. Language production. These slides should discuss how people produce language. What are the components of language production? Examples should be provided. Your thoughts about how language comprehension might be applied to real life should be included.
3. Acquiring language. These slides should discuss how people develop language. How do babies learn language? How does language development progress through the lifespan? Examples should be provided. Your thoughts about how language acquisition might be applied to real life should be included.
4. Faith integration and conclusion. This slide should discuss the connection between the Christian message and language. What does Scripture have to say about language? Provide examples and discuss your concluding thoughts about language.