With regard to socialization process

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Reference no: EM133512605


1. With regard to the socialization process, which of the following statements would a sociologists disagree with?

Socialization is an ongoing, incomplete process

Socialization refers to the means by which individuals learn and come to internalize the norms and values of society

Socialization is primarily determined by an individualist's distinct biological and genetic composition

Socialization is primarily determined by everyday social interaction

2. What challenge from mainstream culture do proponents of play labs in Bangladesh face?

The fact that play is seen as a waste of time

A lack of adequate funding

Sexism and misogyny from male parents

A lack of teachers skilled in the benefits of play

3. In his writings on the everyday performance of the "self", Erving Goffman claimed all of the following except one. Which statement is false?

People play different roles depending on the situation they are in

Awkward social situations are awkward because we find ourselves trying to play to roles that are inconsistent with each other

There is no true "self" and we have no truly fixed character

Our true self can emerge only when we are alone

4. Which of the following terms are associated with Erving Goffman's dramaturgical model of the presentation of self?

Front and back stage personas

Elements of role performance

Impression management

Looking glass self

Reference no: EM133512605

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