Reference no: EM131293455
Writing Exercise
Length: 350 words typed and double-spaced
Both topics require you to watch the documentary The Globalization Tapes in its entirety. The film is available on YouTube.
Choose one of the following topics:
Topic 1
Identify ONE specific idea from Peter Evans' essay "Counter Hegemonic Globalization" and use it to critically examine a similar idea from The Globalization Tapes.
First, identify a specific idea from the essay (1 sentence). If it takes longer than one sentence to describe, then it's too broad.
Second, discuss the significance of the selected idea. For instance, how is it related to globalization? Why does the author think it's an important issue, etc., (2-3 sentences)
Third, relate this idea to a specific theme in The Globalization Tapes (4-5 sentences).
Topic 2
Identify ONE specific idea from Geoffrey Pleyers' essay "The Global Justice Movement" that resonates with the documentary film The Globalization Tapes and write a response critically examining how Pleyers' essay sheds light on the documentary film.
First, identify a specific idea from Pleyers' essay (1 sentence). If it takes longer than 1 sentence to describe, then it's too broad.
Second, discuss the significance of the selected idea. For instance, how is it related to globalization? Why does the author think it's an important issue, etc., (2-3 sentences)
Third, critically examine how Pleyers' essay sheds light on "The Globalization Tapes" (4-5 sentences)
Use no more than one direct quote in each paragraph. Keep each quote to 1 line at a time. Direct quotes are marked by double quotation marks.
Do not summarize the film and do not summarize the essay.
Take a look at a sample student response available on Canvas.
DO NOT use outside research.
Include a correctly formatted Works Cited page.
Manage template design and development
: Consider this scenario. You work for a five star international hotel. You are responsible for training junior employees about the appropriate style and layout of documents.
Does one complement the other
: Does one complement the other? Can you use both types of research within your research? Are integrity and credibility important in your research? Discuss how you have employed qualitative and quantitative research either in your educational pursuits ..
Compare the results from your self-assessments
: Compare the results from your self-assessments. What did you agree with? What did you disagree with? Why? (Do not cut and paste, summarize in your own words).
Address and identify given interrelated items
: Address and identify these interrelated items- the overall scope and mission of the organization, company goals and objectives, and a source of competitive advantage.
Wirte an eassy on the global justice movement
: Wirte an eassy on Counter Hegemonic is it related to globalization? Why does the author think it's an important issue, etc., (2-3 sentences)
Educational pursuits or on the job
: Describe any action research that you have employed in your educational pursuits or on the job. Discuss how you might use action research to conduct your research in terms of your currently selected topic? Provide several examples.
Argue for single sourcing in order to implement jit
: Although many experts argue for single-sourcing in order to implement JIT and lean production, some companies are now reverting to dual sourcing or multi-sourcing.- What position would you argue for and why?
List and describe briefly the elements of product design
: List and describe briefly the elements of Product Design. Select one and apply it to a product you would like to see created in the marketplace.
What is a literature review
: What is a literature review? What should be included in a literature review? Locate and provide a good literature review in your area of interest, and discuss its strengths and weaknesses.