Wired networks in real life application

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM132351264

Task 1: Practical Tasks

These questions are to test your understanding of the contents in topics 1, 2 and 3.

Q 1: Wireless communication offers a number of advantages compared to wired networks. However, as with any technology, there are some
challenges with wireless communication as well. List three advantages and three limitations/challenges that wireless communication has over wired networks in real life application scenarios.

Deliverable: List three advantages and limitation briefly explaining each. Your explanation of each advantage and limitation should not exceed more than three short sentences. Your total answer for this question should not exceed one half A4 page.

Q 2: In this question you are required to use GNU Octave. Sinusoidal (sine) waves are commonly used in wireless communication to represent the signal that needs to be transmitted over the wireless channel. For example, in various modulation techniques. A sinusoidal wave can be mathematically represented as y = A sin(2*Π*f*t) where A, Π, f, t represent amplitude, a constant pi, frequency (Hz) and time (seconds) respectively. Using GNU Octave, plot twdsine waves (y1, y2) on the same plot (hint: use subplot command) with A = 1, Π = 3.14, f1 = 2Hz, f2 = 2f1, t = 0:50 (value oft goes from zero to fifty). Label x and y axis of each plot with 'Time (sec)' and 'Amplitude' respectively. Give title of the plot as 'Name = your name , SID = your student ID'.

Deliverable: You are required to submit your executable Octave code in a text file and figure showing both plots. Submit only one file including code and figure.

Q 3: In this question you will explore another program called Acrylic Wi-Fi Home to monitor the signal strength of the network that your computer is connected to. Complete Projects 3-4 and 3-5 from your textbook at the end of chapter 3. Complete all steps carefully as you are required to write a reflection of your learning from these two projects.

Deliverable: Write your reflections on what have you learnt from above two projects. You need to write only three reflections in total for both projects. Your reflections should be on your learning and not on the steps that you have completed in these projects. For example, one example reflection could be 'I learnt variation in Wi-Fi signal strength with the variation in distance'. Your reflections should not be more than one A4 page.

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In this project three assignment of wireless communication is done with the help of software octave and Acrylic.The assignment comprises of pros and cons of wireless communication over wired communication.The second part is the generation of the sinusoidal signal using free software GNU OCTAVE.The last part is projected on wireless signal strength and the impact of various sources on it.

Reference no: EM132351264

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