Winston churchill

Assignment Help Business Economics
Reference no: EM137192

Q1. Rex has determined that demand for his product is given by Q=180-5p and cost equation given by C=75+.3Q. Determine the optimal price and quantity for the firm.

Q2. How does Iraq's infant mortality rate correlate with Iraq's GDP per capita?

Q3. In 2009, a nation's real GDP were $250 billion and in 2010 it is $265 billion. Its population was 120 million in 2009 and 125 million in 2010. In 2010, what is its real GDP per capita?

Q4. Winston Churchill once thought that democracy is the nastiest form of government except for all others. In microeconomic terms what did he mean? Would a more practicable democratic system add to or reduce the ability of government to operate more efficiently?

Reference no: EM137192

Questions Cloud

Long-run effect of this proposal : After allowing for sleep and personal care, she has 70 free hours each week and must split these hours between work to earn money.
What makes the principle scientifically useful : What makes the principle scientifically useful or a positive thing for science? What makes a principle not methodically useful, or even a negative thing for science.
The mechanism of sucrose uptake by plant cells : This rise is proportional to the starting concentration of sucrose in the solution. A metabolic poison that blocks the ability of cells to regenerate ATP is found to inhibit the pH changes in the solution. Recommend a hypothesis accounting for these ..
Relevant preference relationships : Suppose the entire civilian labor force is 20,000 people and the number of unemployed is 2,000 people.
Winston churchill : Winston Churchill once thought that democracy is the nastiest form of government except for all others.
Sales at the bakery : Jim Bradley is the director of the Bradley bakery. He has collected data on his store for the past year.
Two grades of professional football : Here are only some stars to fully staff every team, but there are enough for a few to be on each team if an owner decided to hire them.
Wyandotte chemical company : How much Wyandotte have to decrease the price of polyol to attain a 15% increase in the quantity sold.
Institutions influence economic life : Demonstrate by example about production which exhibits constant returns to scale.


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