Will you engage in action research in your community

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Reference no: EM131540650

Where Does Applied Research Fit Into Your Future?


As you look ahead to your future as a professional counselor, consider how program evaluation promotes and sustains improvements in delivering mental health services. How do you see yourself implementing the research and evaluation skills you have learned in order to promote best practices? Consider the following possibilities:

Will you engage in action research in your community?

Will you will be asked to help write a grant or to administer one?

Will you assist with the collection and analysis of data at your site in order to demonstrate your agency's effectiveness?

Will you adapt counseling programs described in published efficacy studies for use in your own community?

In this discussion, share your vision of how you see research fitting into your future as a professional mental health counselor. Use and cite the readings from this course that you find particularly helpful when envisioning your future possibilities.

Use your Royse, Thyer, and Padgett text, Program Evaluation, to complete the following:

In Chapter 4, read section, "Dissemination and Advocacy," pages 111-112.

In Chapter 14, read sections, "Results (Findings)" and "Discussion", pages 387-391.

In Chapter 14, read section, "Considerations in Planning and Writing Evaluation Reports and Manuscripts," pages 391-396.

In Chapter 14, read section, "The Utilization of Evaluation Reports," pages 397-398.

Reference no: EM131540650

Questions Cloud

Innovation and organizational processes : Examine potential changes in IT related to innovation and organizational processes.
Identify one other culture that believes in zombies : Identify one other culture that "believes in" zombies, & specifically describe how zombies from this culture differ from the way they are portrayed in America.
Discuss the pros and cons of remote electronic voting : Do you believe this would be a good thing and why? Relate this to HACKING. Discuss the pros and cons of remote electronic voting.
What is the level of measurement you are using : This assignment is one in a progression of assignments that will move you toward your final research proposal.
Will you engage in action research in your community : Will you engage in action research in your community? Will you will be asked to help write a grant or to administer one?
Identify the five different types of toxins : Identify the five different types of toxins. Provide a brief discussion of the effects and include examples
Analyze team dynamics including stage of team development : Analyze the team dynamics including stage(s) of team development based on assigned reading concepts/theory.
What is internal and external validity : What is internal and external validity? When conducting research, why is there often a trade-off between internal and external validity?
The physiological effects of pornography on the brain : How the negative consequences may present themselves during counseling.


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