Reference no: EM132311256 , Length: word count : 500
Ethics Form
If your project involves the photographing of people or animals, then this form and any relevant supporting appendices will need to be completed.
Section 1: Personal Details
Student ID
Email and Mobile No.
Course & Year
Supervisor/Module Leader
Section 2: Project Details
Module Title and ID
Project Title
Summary of Project (max 200 words)
Section 3: Ethical Considerations
1. What ethical issues are raised in your project? If no ethical issues are being raised, it is important to explain why (max. 200 words)
2. Does your project involve animals? Please explain in what context they will be used. If consent is required, please outline how this will be obtained.
3. Will you be recruiting vulnerable or at risk participants (e.g. under 18s, older adults, people with learning disabilities)?
4. Will you be recruiting participants who might be considered to be vulnerable (please give details if not addressed elsewhere on this form)?
If you have answered Yesto any of the above questions, then please refer to the Ethics Guidelines and highlight the particular issues raised by working with these participants and how these issues have been addressed.
5. Informed Consent:
How are you going to inform your participants about their role in your project? e.g. project proposal, statement of intent etc.
6. How are you going to record, disseminate and storethe results of your research project?
7. How are you going to ensure participant anonymity?
(If your participants do not wish to remain anonymous you must obtain their written consent.)See appendices: Consent Form, Model Release Form)
Section 4: Health & Safety
8. Where is your project going to take place? See Appendices: Health & Safety Form
9. Have you completed the Risk Assessment form describing the risks associated with your project and how you will implement control measures to address these?
10. If your project involves interviews in a participant’s home or lone-working have you explained the risks and control measures in the risk assessment? (E.g. advising a colleague/supervisor of the timings of visits, ringing before/ after interview and developing a contingency plan if contact is not made)?
If your project involves considerable or significant levels of risk, working in high-risk locations or working with animals, have you consulted with your tutor in drawing up your risk assessment?
See Appendices: Risk Assessment Form
Section 5: Any Other Relevant Information
If there is any other relevant information about your project that has not been disclosed above, then please provide details here.
Section 6: Student’s Confirmation
I confirm that the information supplied on this form is correct and confirm that the above checklist has been fully completed. Please email this form and any supporting documentation to your supervisor/tutor.
Applicant’s signature:
Please use an electronic signature or type your name
Section 7: Supervisory Signature
The Supervisor/Module Tutor is required to:
• Scrutinise the Ethics Application and all participant-facing documentation
• Suggest and check any changes which need making before the form is submitted
Please tick the box to confirm that you have approved the application and participant-facing documentation
Please use an electronic signature or type your name
Print name:
Section 7: Checklist
Please read through the checklist and check the relevant boxes to confirm: NB. This checklist is part of the Ethics Form and must be completed
Have you completed all sections of this form?
Working with Participants
Have you included documents relevant to recruitment as appendices? (This may include: invitation letter to participants, information sheet, consent form, debriefing form, leaflets or posters).
If you work with at risk individuals or your study carries at least moderate risks to participants, have you fully considered these issues and provided plans on how to manage these risks?
Health and Safety
Have you included the Risk Assessment form?
Have you included the Health and Safety form?
Applicant’s Confirmation
Have you signed and dated the document?
Attachment:- Proposal.rar