Reference no: EM133087417
Let's Blog!
A blog is a Web page made up of short, frequently updated posts arranged in reverse chronological order. They can be compared to instant messages posted to the Web. One of their uses is to help small groups communicate simply and easily. Blogs are often used for product reviews and comments on products and services as well. Sometimes they can even become word-of-mouth advertising.
In your groups, you are to develop an outline for a blog that will encourage the participants (you, the students) of the product (this class) to communicate and share ideas with each other. In your planning, consider that your classmates, the instructor, and the administration will have access to the blog.
You have 20 minutes. Your outline will contain the following:
Purpose Statement:
Will you allow anonymous comments?
Will you use pictures/visuals?
At the end of 20 minutes, each group will present their recommended plan for a class blog. The instructor will write down the title of each blog, and the entire class will vote for their favorite.
Hint: Look at websites such as