Will you admit or exclude the evidence

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM131905836

Question: B and C, who for years were live-in lovers, had a big fight one night. C hastily moved out of the apartment they shared. A week later, C went to the police and told them that B, the boyfriend, was dealing drugs from his apartment. C said she no longer lived there but had a key to the apartment, that she had gone back there a couple of times, and that she and B were in the process of reconciling-none of which was true. C led the police to the apartment and opened it with her key. The police saw marijuana, amphetamines, and other illegal drugs in various places in the apartment. They seized all these drugs and introduced them later in court as evidence against B. You are the judge. Will you admit or exclude the evidence? Support your decision.

Reference no: EM131905836

Questions Cloud

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