Reference no: EM131192298
Case Study: Should Business Hire Undocumented Workers?
Complete the answers to the eight questions at the end of Case 12, "Should Business Hire Undocumented Workers?" pp. 633-636.
1. What are the legal and ethical issues in this case?
2. Is illegal immigration primarily an economic, legal, ethical, social, or political issue? Explain.
3. Are companies that hire illegal immigrants being socially responsible? Evaluate this practice using the Pyramid of CSR introduced in Chapter 2.
4. What are the legal and ethical arguments in favor of continuing to allow illegal immigrants to be hired by businesses? What are the legal and ethical arguments against illegal immigration? Which side do you support? Why?
5. Assess the issue of illegal immigration using a number of different ethical principles, such as the principles of rights, utilitarianism, and justice. What does each principle have to say about the issue of illegal immigration?
6. With E-Verify making it so easy for companies to obey the law, is there any excuse for not complying with the requirements of the law?
7. What will be the consequences of the Mohawk decision? Will this deter companies from hiring illegal immigrants?
8. What is your assessment of the new Arizona law? Why do states think they need to take action on this issue rather than waiting for the federal government to act?
Carroll, A., & Buchholtz, A. (2012). Business and society: Ethics, sustainability, and stakeholder management (8th ed.). Florence, KY: South Western College Publishing.
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