Will the user interface consist of one or more screens

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM131504752


Individual Visual Logic- Calculations

Select two calculation tasks a program could perform that would be useful.

Each task must include the following:

• Inputing a value
• Performing a calculation on that value
• Outputting the value

Example calculations include the following:

• Calculating sales tax on a sale
• Converting from Fahrenheit to Celsius
• Figuring out a total bulk sale price based on price per unit and number of units

Obtain approval from your instructor for your items. Send a Private Message to your instructor.

Create a Word document. The document should contain:

• a brief description of the tasks
• the pseudocode associated with each of the tasks

Create Visual Logic files to execute each of the tasks. You can combine both tasks into one VL file.

Learning Team Instructions Final Learning Team Paper and Presentation

Option 2: Home Maintenance

Learning Team Instructions - Algorithm Planning for Home Maintenance

The first phase of your team's project consists of two steps. Step 1 is to design the application. Consider the following:

• Which maintenance tasks will be included in your application?
• Will these tasks be related to a specific purpose? If so, will this purpose be indicated on the user interface?
• Will the user interface consist of one or more screens?
• How will the user enter the status of the each maintenance task? How will that status be displayed?

Step 2 is to plan how your team will develop a program that calculates how many tasks have not yet been completed.

• Create a complete list of activities, placed in logical order, that must be completed in the first phase of the programming development cycle.
• Determine the modules that will be needed in the program.
• Design a top-level algorithm that calls each module as needed.

Write a simple algorithm in pseudocode that lists the program's input, output, and processing components in a logical, sequential order. At this stage, do not show the tasks and subtasks within each component.

Submit a Word document with a 1- to 2-paragraph Learning Team Status Report that includes what the team accomplished for the week, any issues encountered, and plans for the next week.

Reference no: EM131504752

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Will the user interface consist of one or more screens : Will the user interface consist of one or more screens? How will the user enter the status of the each maintenance task? How will that status be displayed?
Discuss the optimal strategies : Each of two players hides either a nickel or a dime. If the two coins match, A gets both: if they don't match, B gets both. What are the optimal strategies?
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Conduct an analysis of the marketing program : Conduct an analysis of the marketing program for this new consumer product and the effectiveness of its launch and commercialization.
Develop an algorithm in pseudocode that shows the tasks : Develop an algorithm in pseudocode that shows the tasks and subtasks for each program module component that was in the simple algorithm you developed.


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